Sunday, February 8, 2015

"Open Letter of Love....."

February 8, 2015, 

I want to share a letter that I wrote to my students that will forever be a part of my life.  I wrote this "Open Letter of Love" to be added to a program that we put on at the end of their year long participation in a Leadership/Mentorship Program in which I was the Chair.

"Open Letter of Love
The Whiz Kids Journey to Oz,
Yellow Brick Road to Success!"

So, the day has come, the stage is set you've made it to the Emerald City! The Land of Oz! With much anticipation, trepidation, and excitement, you're here, about to meet the Wizard in the land of the unknown, Oz.  You ask yourselves, "What will this day bring me?"  "What will the wizard think of me?" (judges, family, community & friends).  "How can we do this Mrs. Jackson?"  "I'm scared!"

This is how you do it.  Walk up to the stage of life where the wizard is, pull back the curtain and tell me what you see?  A mirror, and in that mirror you see an image of yourselves.  You see your reflection!  You are the wizard of your own lives!  Wizard: 2. A person of amazing skill or accomplishment.

Let's look back on what it has taken for you to get here, the many sign posts, road blocks, and obstacles you've encountered on your "Yellow Brick Road to Success."  You started with the green light of confidence and enthusiasm, proceeded full speed ahead.  Engaging in meaningful activities that allowed you to reach inside yourselves and come from a place of yes to cultivate your vulnerabilities while overcoming your fears, and tears, lending your hands to help shape, and motivate our most precious resource, the little children in your communities, the junior ACT-SO students, the Club F.R.E.S.H. students, while being your brother's keeper, helping with homework, partnering with the YMCA Map Program.  I've had the pleasure of witnessing you apply the "Principles of Leadership and Success" through your gift of unselfishness as servants doing community service, standing by your classmate going through cancer raising over $1500 for her family.  You've stood for countless hours in the cold and rain raising money for food, toiletries for the homeless, thousands of toys for tots & families at Christmas' Winter Wonderland, Easter Baskets for children at Children's Hospital, gift baskets of food & perfumes for the women and children at the YWCA Women's Shelter.

Then, there were times when you've come to a yellow light, when you've had to proceed with caution.  You've had to slow down, allow for introspection and take a deep breath to ask yourselves the poignant questions about life.  "What do I want?"  "Where do I want to be?"  "Is this the right road?"

And yes, there has been times when you've come to a full stop!!!  You couldn't pass go, couldn't collect $200, life happened to you, hit you with curve balls with friends (or so you thought), grades, family matters, your future, even ACT-SO.  And you've had to detour and take out your map and say to yourselves, X marks the spot where I AM.  ACT-SO, will help me get there!!!

My beloved Whiz Kids on "The Yellow Brick Road to Success."  In order for you to be here today it's taken the Heart of a Champion, the Brilliance of Your Mind, and the Pure Tenacity and Courage of a Lion!  You've had it all along.  "You Hold The Keys To Success!!"

"Unlock Tomorrow, Today!"
~Lolita Jackson

Yours Truly,
Mrs. Jackson ~ Your Hype Girl

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