Friday, February 13, 2015

"Are You Willing To Change?"

February 12, 2015

Change:  1. to make different in form, to transform.  2. to transfer from one to another, to become different.

Are you willing to change?  It's as simple as that.  We have to be serious about change in order to change, and that really does start with the question that we all must ask ourselves; are we willing to change?

How do you see yourself today?  Where do you see yourself being in the future?  Have you set goals for yourself?  If so, what are your short term goals?  What are your long term goals?  Do you have daily goals?  Do you have a checklist?  A to do list?

I know that these questions may seem a bit rudimentary, but if we're to be serious with ourselves then we have to ask ourselves the tough questions.  I'm not talking about asking and answering in our heads.  I'm talking about getting a spiral notebook with pen and paper and sitting down at a table and do your work.

At the top of the paper write: I AM WILLING TO CHANGE! under that I want you to write what changes you want to make in your life and what your plans are to make it happen.  Your paper should look like the following:

     *  February 12, 2015  *  I Am Willing To Change! *  I Want To Lose Weight & Be Healthy *

My long term goal is to lose 90 pounds by the end of 2015.  I will lose 50 pounds by June of 2015.  My short term daily goals are to watch what I eat and cut out all fattening fried foods and start walking 5 days a week.

This is what I want you to do as a start!

Love Always,

La La Lolita

"Heal and transform the soul first; then healing and 
transformation of every aspect of life will follow."
~Dr. Zhi Gang Sha

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