Friday, February 6, 2015

"Living A Life Of Purpose"

February 5, 2015

Purpose:  1. the reason for which something exists or is done, made, etc.  2. an intended or desired result; aim; goal.  3. determination; resoluteness.  4. the subject in hand; point at issue, intentionally.

We can't afford to waist another day, minute or second.  Every day that we wake up we are given an opportunity to make the most of our day with determined intention.  Every day we're given is a gift from God to open our eyes, take a deep breath and thank God, the universe, our higher power for 1,440 minutes to be the best we can be today. Start today with positive affirmations.   There's a reason that we're here, there's a reason that we're put on the face of this earth.  Find out what your purpose is and go after it with all you have.  Aim high, set goals, strive toward perfection, surround yourself with positive people of influence and affluence.

Don't waist another minute of time, time is precious and priceless!  Our time MUST be VALUED by ourselves and the people that are around us.  The 1,440 minutes we've been given daily are 1,440 seeds to be sown in rich soil, soil that must be fertilized and nourished so that in due season we will reap a bountiful harvest of excellence and perfection.  We can't be tolerant of seed snatchers, be mindful of the people you allow in your circle, be careful of the words you allow other people to speak around you and into you daily with their conversations.  Don't let other people come and dig up the seeds you've sown with their doubt and negativity. Know that whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.....

Just call me Farmer Lolita! (Smile) My mind and body are the ground that I'm planting seeds of faith, prosperity, abundance and healing into all day every day. My soil is rich and saturated with words of wisdom and motivation from some of the greatest minds that ever lived. I refuse to let any chickens come into my land (my mind) and try to pluck up that which I work so hard to plant with doubt and negativity.

You may have to prune some weeds, get rid of the naysayers and dream killers that try to speak doom and gloom all the while going through your garden, your field (your mind) with every minute you give them (your seeds) just digging up every affirmation you've spoken (seeds) every dream you dream and goal you've set (seeds).  The bible says in the book of Proverbs "When you walk with wise men, you'll become wise."

"March on. Do not tarry. To go forward is to
move toward perfection. March on, and
fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on
life's path."
~Kahlil Gibran

"Continuous, unflagging effort, persistence and
determination will win. Let not the man be
discouraged who has these."
~James Whitcomb Riley

"Self command is not only itself a great
virtue, but from it all the other virtues
seem to derive their principle luster."
~Adam Smith


"The Divine Plan of my life cannot be tampered with. It is
incorruptible and indestructible. It awaits only my

"All that is mine by Divine Right is now released
and reaches me in  a perfect way under Grace."

"Divine Activity is now operating in my mind,
body and affairs, whether I see it or not."

"Let Thy blessed will be done in me this day!"

"Loving you more than forever,
and forever more I'll always love you."
~Lolita Jackson

Love Always,

La La Lolita

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