Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"When God Nod's"

April 7, 2015

Confirmation:  1. the act of confirming.  2. something that confirms as a corroborative statement or piece of evidence. 

     Things will happen in my life that will let me know that I'm on the right track and headed in the right direction.  Sometimes I may be thinking about something and then someone or something will add corroborative evidence that confirms what I was thinking.

When that happens, I call those moments my God Nods.  God's way of nodding his head at me saying you were right, Lo, or it's okay Lo, or just a nod to let me know that what I'm thinking and feeling is exactly what I'm supposed to be thinking and feeling.

Other times when I get a confirmation I'm completely flabbergasted!  I have to sit back and say whoa!!!  What you talkn bout Willis?  Sometimes, even though it's confirmation, it's also a WOW moment, I just have to sit back and sit on it for a minute or two.  Just like tonight, the latter happened, it's thrown me for a loop!  I had a Wow, really?  Like that?  I'm not sure what it all means yet, yet I know that I'm at the right place, at the right time spiritually..........

I was reading my book about Buddha and about Buddha's life.  I want to know who is Buddha?  What is Buddha?  Not knowing much about Buddha I have to start from the beginning.  As I'm reading about Buddha's history, Buddha's story, I'm learning that Buddha came from a place called "Shakya clansmen" in the southern foothills of the Himalayas.  They had a King, Shuddhodana Gautama, and a Queen, Maya.  They had no children for 20 years until Queen Maya had a dream about a white elephant that entered her womb through the right side of her chest and she became pregnant.  The custom was for the Queen to give birth at her parents' home.  She rested at a place called Lumbini Garden amongst the beautiful Ashoka blossoms.  The Queen was so enamered with the blossoms that she reached her arm to pluck a branch and as she did the Prince was born!  The story goes on to say that Heaven and Earth rejoiced at the birth of the Prince.  This is sounding vaguely familiar to me, then I read that the birth of the Prince was on April 8!

That's when I had to say WHOA......Wait A Minute, today is April 8.  In my world, my life, where I'm from and how God Nod's at me, Lolita.  I recognize that there is some significance to this whole thing, I'm on the right track, on the right road, and because it's a little much.  I'm going to sit on this tid bit overnight and pick back up tomorrow...........

When God Nod's, pay attention, sometimes it's just a nod, and other times he may be wanting your attention.  It's up to you to have the wisdom to know the difference!

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Stop talking, stop thinking,
and there is nothing you will not understand."
~ Seng-Ts'An

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