Thursday, April 16, 2015

"I Am Dancing!!!"

April 16, 2015

Dance:  1. to move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, esp. to the accompaniment of music.  2. to leap, skip, etc., as from excitement or emotion; move nimbly or quickly.  3. to bob up and down; 

Dance to another tune:  1. to change one's behavior, attitudes, etc. 

"I hope you still feel small
when you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes 
I hope one more opens
Promise me that you'll give faith
a fighting chance
And when you get the choice
to sit it out or dance

I Hope You Dance!!!"

     Oprah said that Dr. Maya Angelou sent her a care package once and in it was a cd that included the song, "I hope you dance!"

I've been listening to that song lately thinking about Dr. Maya Angelou and the relationship she had with Oprah and how special that must of felt to Oprah to get that care package and how of all the poems that Dr. Angelou has written, all the books and songs she sang.  Oprah will forever dance!  

     I had the opportunity to meet Dr. Maya Angelou, I even have a picture of the two of us together and I also have some parting "Words of Wisdom" from the Dr. Angelou.  She told me to "stand straight up," while she had her hand in the middle of my back.  She also said, "never let them see you with your head hanging down, stand tall, stand tall!"  I too will never forget those words. To this day, I walk with my head up, and no matter what I'm going through, I put my face on EVERY DAY and I stand tall! I stand tall!

     I Too Dance.  Every single day I dance for no apparent reason to anyone else but myself.  You see I have a reason to dance.  God has shown me that I am special.  To heal me of cancer three times, I have a reason to dance.  The ocean is my place of solitude and I know that there is always an open door for me to go into.  

     As long as I have breath in my body I will fight the good fight of faith and yes, (did you hear me say yes?) and yes, I said yes, every chance I get, Lolita Arnez will not sit, 

I my dear will choose to DANCE!!!

     Loving You More Than Forever,
And Forever More I'll Always Love You!!!"

La La Lolita Lovely

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