Thursday, April 9, 2015

"Prayer of Thankfulness"....."

April 8, 2015

Thanks:  1. a grateful feeling or acknowledgment of a kindness, favor, or the like, expressed by words or otherwise.  To express gratitude or appreciation to.  

A Prayer of Thankfulness

O God of the Universe
the Creator of life whose mercies
endures forever.

Thank you for the air I breathe,
without which there is no sustenance.

Thank you for your grace and mercies
that leadeth me besides the still waters
and restores my soul.

Thank you for the seasons that allows for 
change and continual growth to experience the constant
evolution of life

Thank you for wisdom and understanding
and the ability to know the difference.

Thank you for the people you've put in my life
that are vessels of light and lamps unto my feet.and
shining brightly on the path of righteousness for your

Thank You For This Day, My Daily Bread
In Jesus Name


Love Alwayz,

Lolita Lovely

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