Friday, April 3, 2015

"Pray, Persist, Meditate & Empower........"

April 2, 2015

Pray:  1. to offer devout petition, praise, thanks, etc.  2. to make earnest petition to.

Persist:  1. to continue steadily or firmly in some state, purpose, or course of action, in spite of opposition or criticism.  2. to last or endure tenaciously.  3. to be insistent in a statement,  request, or question.

Meditate:  1. to engage in thought or contemplation; reflect.  2. to plan in the mind, intend.

Empower:  1. to give official or legal power or authority to.  2. to endow with an ability; enable.

The title of today's blog is exactly what we need to do on a daily basis, especially if we find that we're being challenged with insurmountable opposition.

The bible says that we are to Pray without ceasing.  In doing so, we're offering up our earnest and devout petitions before God.  I know that for myself when I do pray, give praise and thanksgiving, I find a sense of peace.  On the flip side, if I slack off there is no peace, the cares of life comes in and wreaks havoc.

I MUST be consistent with my prayer life.  I have to also be persistent, steadfast and tenacious so that I may endure the obstacles that may come into my life.

Another thing that works for me is Mediation, engaging in quiet time, with deliberate, intentional solitude.  It helps to shut off the chatter and find your place of refuge so that the gates of hell will not prevail.

When you take the time to be persistent with prayer and meditation you'll find yourself feeling empowered to face any storm that comes your way.  Prayer and Meditation are like the Wonder Twins of the Spirit.

Prayer and Meditation endows you with Super Natural Power & Authority to Kick The Devil's Ass!!!

We, the children of God are Heirs to the Kingdom sent here as Ambassadors from Heaven to Reign as King's and Queen's on Earth.  We must exercise our Authority and start living the Abundant Life that we inherited at Birth!

In Peace & Solidarity!

La La Lolita Lovely

"Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes in which we see reality."
~Nikos Kazantzakis

"God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The Things I Cannot Change,
The Courage To Change The Things I Can,
And The Wisdom To Know The Difference!"

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