Friday, April 17, 2015

"God's Word Flows Through My Bloodstream!"

April 17, 2015 

    I know that I'm Blessed & Highly Favored by God.  I also know that I have a purpose and plan for my life!  My steps has been ordered by the Lord.  

     People ask me how did you get cured of Cancer three times? I believe in the "Power of Prayer!  I want to share some of the prayers I pray........
    God's word literally flows through my bloodstream.  We must speak God's word when we pray, additionally; we must believe that praying God's word will affect change in our lives.

"Heavenly Father, your word is a part of me and it flows in my bloodstream through every cell of my body with transformation & restoration power.  Heavenly Father as I speak your word it will become flesh and heal my body so that it will function in the perfection in which you created it to function."

     "Father, I thank you for your healing manifestation that has the authority to cast out all sickness and all disease."

"Your word says that where two or more are gathered together in my name touching and agreeing on anything that they shall ask, there I AM in the midst of them!"
     With that prayer I ALWAYS find a prayer partner that I KNOW is a prayer warrior who will AGREE with me and stand in the gap with me believing that whatsoever we shall ask we will have in Jesus' name, Amen!

     I Love You, there are more prayers that I pray, I just wanted to share some of them with you.  I don't know who this is for but believe me if you are going through a sickness or anything else in your life that you need a transforming miracle from God.  Pray the prayers that I just shared with you.

     God is not a God that he should lie,  In fact his word says he can't lie, he takes it a little further and says for us to remind him of his word and to test him to see if it is truth?

Take Care,

With Blessings and Love,


La La Lolita Lovely




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