Tuesday, April 21, 2015

"R. E. S. T."

April 21, 2015

R. = Relax  *  E. = Empower  *  S. = Sleep  *  T. = Therapeutic

     Sometimes we can go, go, go so much that we don't take time out to R.E.S.T., and by not resting we don't allow our bodies to relax and rejuvenate.  If we take the time out for some rest and relaxation we will find that not only is it therapeutic for our minds, body and souls, but it will also give us a sense of empowerment and energy.

Exercising can clear our minds giving clarity that will allow us to carry out the day to day tasks with minimal stress and anxiety.  Sleep is the cornerstone, the foundation to optimal health, wellness and an overall wholistic way of living a care free and balanced life.

If you find yourself getting a little edgy, short tempered or maybe just some small things that you notice on a day to day basis that you may need a little tweeking to give you the strength and agility you need to stay sharp and focused.

Try practicing the 4 steps of R.E.S.T. See if any or all of these steps will help you be your best you!

Take Care Beautiful Angels,

Stay Strong,

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Don't be afraid to go after what you want to do and
what you want to be, and don't be afraid to pay the price
to get it."

"Hope doesn't guarantee anything, hard work does!"

"Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good
actions in others!"
~ ~ Plato

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