Monday, April 6, 2015

"Love, The Common Denominator!"

April 5, 2015

When it's all said and done, Everything is Love!  

Love is Energy.  Love is Action.  Love is Kind.  Love is Patient.  Love is Longsuffering. 

                                                                     Love Is.............................                                                                                                                                                                             

     I Corinthians 12 & 13, gives some insight and wisdom on love and how love is the foundation to the key of life.  This book of the bible speaks about love being our spiritual gift of grace and how love is the root to the manifestations of the spiritual illuminations of Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Healing, and Prophecy.   

     Love is our Super Natural Power to Happiness, Health, Wealth, Peace and Prosperity.  Without love our bodies will dry up from the inside out.  Love is like a fragrant ointment.  When it's poured from it's carafe (the body) it releases Health, Wealth, Peace and Prosperity.

     Have you ever seen a plant that is dying, some of the leaves have fallen off and of the ones that remain the leaves are brown and dried up?  On the surface the plant looks hopeless, but on the inside is the roots of the plant, and yes, the roots are dry also, but if you take that plant and decide that you are going to love it by nourishing it with a little TLC (Tender, Loving, Care), you will bring that plant back to life.  Give it some water, sunlight, air, fertilizer and love on that plant, talk to that plant and watch that plant spring back to life because the plant was rooted and grounded in Love!!!

     We are the same way, with Love, All Things Are Possible!  That's what today was all about.......

     For God so Loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son and whosoever believeth in him shall  nor parish but have Everlasting life!

My Prayer Today was to re-commit to Love.  My Alabaster Box is filled with Love Potion #9.  

I Am anointed to heal with the touch of my hands, the sound of my voice and the actions of my life.  I will pour out my oil onto All so that my light may shine and I share the gifts God has given me!


La La Lolita Lovely

"Loving you more than forever,
And forever more I'll Always Love You......."

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