Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"To Be or Not To Be?"

April 14, 2015

     You've heard the saying "To Be or Not To Be?"  It's more like a question than a saying.  My question that I ask myself on a daily basis is, "Lolita, are you going to be or not?"  I keep that question and saying in the forefront of my mind because I know if I don't, I can get comfortable and complacent and as the other saying goes, "Ain't Nobody Got Time For That!"

     Daily, we must choose to make the most out of our days and be the best that we can be because the choice is ours to make.  It's a mindset.  We have to make up our minds to put our best foot forward.

     What has God called you to do?  What is it that's burning on the inside of you?  If you knew that you couldn't fail what would you do?  What is holding you back?  Is it fear?

Dr. Susan Jeffers says for us to "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway!" 

     Fear can make us stagnate, we have "Divine Dominion and Power" over our lives to be and do whatever we can envision in our minds.  What are some of the things that you fear?  Some of us fear starting new things, or making a move in our lives.  We tell ourselves lies like we're too old, what good would it do to change now?

     In the bible Nehemiah wasn't afraid of anything or any man.  He said in, (Nehemiah 6:11) "Should such a man as I flee or run and hide?"  I don't think so.  We are not to run and hide, nor fear.  God told Jeremiah to "Be not afraid of their faces for I am with thee."  The children of Israel wandered around in the dry desert and died because they believed the lie, the report of giants in the land that was promised to them.  They told Moses that they were like grasshoppers, forgetting how they got there in the first place, by miracle after miracle.

     We must ask ourselves, how did we get this far in our lives?  If when we wake up every morning and we open our eyes and draw in air to breathe then it's a blessing and a miracle!  It's proof that we have the power to possess the land!

     Make up your mind.  Choose to follow your dreams.  Dream Big Dreams.  Decide that you're going to be a doer!

     Don't sit around contemplating, and day dreaming about the coulda, woulda, shoulda.  Be the one that Dares Greatly!

     And, if you fail at your first attempt, then at least you fail while trying and like Dr. Les Brown says:

"If you have to fall, fall on your back looking up because as long as you're looking up, you can get up!!!!!"

Take Care,

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely

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