Thursday, April 23, 2015


April 22, 2015

Suppose:  1. to assume (something), as for the sake of argument.  2. to consider (something) as a possibility or plan.  3. to believe or assume as true; take for granted.  4. to think or hold as an opinion; to require logically; imply; presuppose.  

     Ugh Oh!  I've been thinking??????  I was sitting here in designer mode, creating a a necklace and started thinking; "Who am I making this necklace for?  What I mean is, I know that I have an online boutique called, "Lolita's Loft."  And, I know the vision for the boutique is to share my jewelry line with anyone who desires to have some of my unique pieces, usually the pieces are one of a kind and each one is inspired by my innate ability to create in an abstract fashion.

Now the reason I'm asking "Who am I making this necklace for? is because I've been online for over a month now, sharing with ALL of my Family & Friends and yet not one single person has purchased anything from me........

As I'm having these thoughts go through my head, I decide to change the channel and go to my dvr and see what have I recorded that I haven't had the opportunity to watch because I'll let that play in the background while I work.

Low and behold I record a show called "Leading Women" and wouldn't you know it, "Tori Burch" & "Diane Von Furstenberg" are being featured on the show tonight.  And yes they tell their story of what it takes to be two of the most successful women in the history of the fashion industry!

Of course I hear them speak to the challenges of starting out in the industry and how they had to have the strength to over come the obstacles that will present itself as women in business, particularly business women in fashion.

So it has me thinking, suppose Tori or Diane would of given up at the first obstacle or challenge that presented itself as business owners?  They wouldn't have gone on to become billionaires and have foundations that support other women entrepreneurs to help them get started in business.

Suppose Tori or Diane gave up when the going got tough?  Suppose they decided that they were too young or too old to start a business or for that matter, suppose they didn't have a vision at all?

Suppose they didn't Dream a Dream?

Suppose for a moment, just a moment that I was your "Fairy God Mother" and I was sent here to grant you the desires of your heart.  Suppose I said to you that you could have anything in this world that you want and all you had to do was ask me; "What would you ask me for?"  "What is the vision you have for yourself?" And, "What is it that you Dare to Dream?"

     Well, I'll tell you.  You can have anything in this world that you dare to dream, have the vision to see and the courage to ask?

The key is that you must believe that you can have it and once you do that, then you have to put one foot in front of the other and, "Do whatever is necessary" to make your vision, your dream a reality.
Once you see it, dream it, believe it, then dare to achieve it!  The Universe will align itself like your "Fairy God Mother or God Father" and conspire to grant you all the desires of your heart by being there opening door after door after door!  You must put your "Faith" into action!

Suppose I believed the doctors report and rolled over and died without getting a second, third and sometimes fourth opinion regarding my health that lead me to take the action steps of Faith and do the research necessary to get the best medical care and treatment that kept me alive!!!!

So, I'll keep seeing, I'll keep believing, I'll keep Daring to Dream Greatly because when the time does come, I'll be ready with the inventory for my customers that want a piece of designer jewelry custom made by the "Bijoux by Elle Couture Collection" designed by "Lolita Jackson!"

Suppose I stop tonight because I allow myself to believe the lie, the lie that would tell me what good does it do for me to keep designing jewelry when no one is buying it?  Suppose I took down my website and stop blogging because nobody cares about what I'm talking about?  Suppose I stopped being a "Walking Woman That Wins?"

Suppose, just suppose that I'm on the right track like Santiago in the "Alchemist" and when I wake up tomorrow I'll have found my "Personal Legend!"  

Suppose, just suppose that Oprah, or Ellen, or Whoppi, or Robin Roberts, or Beyonce' or Rhianna, or Steve Harvey wanted to by for his wife, or suppose that you my Angels decided that the "Bijoux by Elle Couture Collection" had exactly what they've been looking for!  

Guess What?  I'm Ready!  I'm ready to put one foot in front of the other to do EVERYTHING THAT GOD HAS EVER PUT IN MY MIND OR HEART TO DO!!!!!

So, I gotta go now so that I can keep designing Yall's (smile) designer pieces and prepare my website to be bought out!

Take Care My Angels!

Love You Muchy, Much!


La La Lolita Lovely

"Unlock Tomorrow, Today!
~ Lolita Jackson

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