Sunday, April 26, 2015

"Fun On The Run!"

April 25, 2015

 Living and Laughing is one prescription that I take from the "Great Creator" as a vital necessity to having a healthy, loving, life of longevity & spiritually.  I've come to the realization that we can be alive and yet; not living.  After being diagnosed with cancer three times and now having an empty nest at home, I'm finding that now I have to live my life to the fullest wholistically.

Daily I take a dose of laughter.  I love to laugh, sometimes I make myself laugh.  Laughing is one of my favorite things to do.  I Really, Really, Really love to Laugh!  As I'm writing I have this Big Cheesy Grin on my face!!

Take the time to laugh my friends by finding something that you enjoy doing, watching, listening to, people you enjoy being with, etc.  Don't let anyone steal your joy!  There is a such thing as joy snatchers, they will come and literally take the "J" out of "Joy."  Don't give them the satisfaction.

Go laugh.........."

"Take a pencil and paper," the teacher said, and write an essay with the title "If I were a Millionaire." Everyone but Philip, who leaned back with arms folded, began to write furiously.  "What's the matter?" the teacher asked.  "Why don't you begin?"  "I'm waiting for my secretary," he replied.
~Bernadette Nagy 

"Psychiatrist to patient: "You have nothing to worry about, anyone who can pay my bills is certainly not a failure!"
~ Lea Berner

"One winter morning, an employee explained why he had shown up for work 45 minutes late.  "It was so slippery out that for every step I took ahead, I slipped back two."  The boss eyed him suspiciously. "Oh, yeah?  Then how did you ever get here?"  "I finally gave up," he said, "and started for home."
~ Eric Wight

"Q: Why wasn't Rome built in a day?  A: Because it was a government job!
~ Glenn E. Spradlin

"Why does the capital have so many one-way streets?  So that all the civil servants coming in late won't collide with those going home early.
~ Arnie Benjamin 

"The President receives the news that his government is divided between optimists and pessimists.  "Who are the optimists?"  the President asks.  "They are those who believe that we will be eating grass by the end of the year," says the adviser.  "And the pessimists?"  "They are those who think that there won't be enough grass for everybody."

Love Always & Laugh

La La Lolita Lovely

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