Monday, April 27, 2015


April 26, 2015

Someday:  1. At an indefinite future time.  

     As you probably know by now that 2015 is the "Year of Now!" for me.  I'm truly walking, living and thriving in Now.

We must live in the Now and have Now Prosperity!

Say "Yes" to living your life on "Purpose."  Daily I awake with expectations of Bigger, Better, Greater.  I go to the mail box with the sole purpose of Bigger, Better, Greater.

My mind is set to evolve as a bigger, better, greater person both inside and out.  I am doing my work like Iyanla Vanzant says.  We must do our work!

     Our desire is to be the best representation of the best Human Beings that we can be.  Our daily walk is fueled and guided with us being good, and kind, and loving and healthy and strong.  Our growth is to have the best intellectual and spiritual life that we can give ourselves by being perpetual learners of all things good and healthy and loving, and by doing these things they give us strength and courage.

     Set your thermostat of life at room temperature.  Don't have it set too high, or set it too low. Keep it at a temperature that will allow you to be productive and at your best in order for you to be your best selves.  And yes, there will be times when we'll have to step out of our comfort zones and dive into new territory that would require us to turn up the heat by being focused and alert you'll know when it's time to stretch yourselves in order thrive victoriously!

     What I've learned is that we have to take control of our destiny in order to enhance our lives.  We all have challenges and their are times that we have feelings of inferiority but we can't let that prevent us from living in the NOW.

If I've learned anything from being diagnosed with cancer 3 times that is we can't live in the "Someday" of life.

  • Someday I'll take a vacation.
  • Someday, I'll learn a new language.
  • Someday, I'll lose 20 pounds.
  • Someday, I'll apologize.
  • Someday, I'll be a better person.
  • Someday, Someday, Someday, etc., etc., etc.

That is a death sentence. Living in someday will kill your joy, your spirit and quite frankly "Someday" may never come!

     "Now" is the time to take your vacation, enroll in a class and learn a new language in order to open yourselves up to other cultures, people and opportunities.  If you find you have aught with another person, be the better person, apologize, live in love.  Go to the community center and learn how to Salsa dance, take a hip hop class, find a way to make your "Someday" today!

Take Care My Angels,

Love Always, 

La La Lolita

"I was no saint, and I was no sinner. I was merely
a survivor. A man who learned how to get out of his own
way before it was too late."
~ Tyrese

"Power is the strength and the ability to see yourself through
your own eyes and not through the eyes of another.  It is being able
to place a circle of power at your own feet and not take power from someone
else's circle."
~ Lynn V. Andrews

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back,
Always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative and creation,
There is one elementary truth
The ignorance of which kills countless ideas
And endless plans:
That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then
providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one that would never
otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision,
Raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen
incidents and meetings and material assistance,
Which no one could have dreamed would come their way.
Whatever you can do or dream you can,
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
Begin it now."

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