Monday, February 27, 2012

"Walk To Win!"

February 26, 2012.......

Today was a beautiful day.  People were out walking enjoying the crisp, fresh winter sunshine.  I loved it!!  I seen couples out walking hand in hand, dogs being walked by little kids, babies out in their strollers with parents that were getting their exercise on this lovely day.

This is what a walking woman that wins is all about, taking advantage of life and getting outside the house to feel the outdoor fresh air blowing on my face, while my hair is blowing in the wind......

I never knew that I would enjoy walking so much, I guess I never thought about walking as a big deal until I was faced with the possibility of never walking again, looking at elderly people strolling about town just walking away, thinking "wow" I wish I could do that, walk down the street without pain.  Now I don't take it for granted not in the least.  I'm just out there now, being eternally grateful!!

"My Influence"

"My life shall touch a dozen lives
Before this day is done.
Leave countless marks of good or ill,
E'er sets the evening sun.

This, the wish I always wish,
The prayer I always pray;
Lord, may my life help others lives
It touches by the way."     ~ By John Maxwell

"If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain."  ~ By Dolly Parton

"The key to success, unlock tomorrow, today..."  ~ By Lolita Jackson

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