Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"My Word Is Bond!!"

February 21, 2012.......

Okay, I have a confession to make, I said from day one that I would keep it real and stay true to myself, truth is by not walking lately, I haven't been true to myself.  Yeah, I may say that my letting it be known that I haven't been walking is keeping it real and staying true to myself but, actually it's not.  There's nothing real about me not making the time to take care of myself!  There's nothing true about me not taking time out of my so called busy day to walk for my life, my health, my spirit, my soul, my family and yes, even my friends........

It hit me today, I gave my word to myself.  I said to "Lolita" that she was important, worthy, beautiful and strong.  I told myself that I was a "Walking Woman That Wins!!"  If I don't make time to walk, I don't win, it's just as simple as that.  Truth is, there isn't anything more important than that because if I don't adhere to the inner voice inside of me, the one that is telling me to take care of myself, there will be consequences and those consequences could be dire, life threatening, take me off the face of this earth consequences.  Or to the contrary, leave me with some sort of debilitating disease or sickness that may as well take me off the face of this earth because my wings will be clipped, I couldn't fly.  I'm too musch of a free spirit.  I was born to be an eagle, and for too long I didn't know it.  Far too long I've lived the life of a pigeon, pecking around here, pecking around there, always feeling like something just wasn't quite right, not being able to put my fingers on it.

I can say this, that I have been keeping my ear to ground (so to speak).   I've been listening to the sound of my spirit, recognizing it when it speaks, sometimes I hear it when I observe others and what they may go through or what they may say.  For example, I was watching the biggest loser last night and one of the contestants wrote in her journal back in 2010 about how she didn't like herself.  She had written how she felt unworthy and that she could not understand why she had friends in the first place.  Then she was asked to speak of what she thinks of herself now, after 2 months of losing over 60 pounds, the young lady still struggled with loving herself enough to give herself a compliment.  It made me think of my own life, my own struggles and yes, even my own victories and yet, I too find it difficult to say well done Lolita.  I have struggled with the question, "Why am I not worthy of the best health?  The strongest body?  What is holding me back?  Why would I choose to eat the cake verses the vegetables?  I don't have all the answers today.  I may never........However, I must give it a try.  Last nights show was about no more excuses.  I was full of excuses.  I am full of excuses.  There is not one reason why I can't find an hour or two to do Lolita!!

I have also thought a lot about Whitney Houston and how we all have looked at her life and said that is was short lived, a tragedy, how could this have happened?  Why did she do what she did?  Some of us have even thought of how we may have been able to help her.  Only if she would of turned around and went the other way 5 months ago and stayed pointed in the other direction after she had gotten out of rehab then this wouldn't have happened.  I don't know.  I can't say.  What I will say is this, Whitney left all of us with so much, we all talk about the gift of her voice, and I would be the first to say that I am no different than anyone else, I loved to sing me some Whitney Houston songs.  Whitney was my bff in my head.  What I will remember most about Whitney is the lessons I am learning in her passing.  I can see that her inner voice spoke to her back in May when she went to rehab, she knew deep inside that she needed to turn her life around.  Her spirit said for her to go the other way or she wouldn't have checked in to rehab in the first place. Tomorrow isn't promised to any of us.  I don't have answers for all the rest, nor am I going to sit around and try to figure it out.  I am going to take my gift that she gave me and open it and say "Thank You Whitney!!"

When our spirit man or woman speaks, we better listen.........

Lolita's spirit woman is saying that if I get out and walk, I will win!!  Amen!!.........

I want to share the lyrics of the song that the Winans sang at Whitney's funeral from the song:


Jesus said
"Here I stand, won't you please let me in?"
And you said
"I will tomorrow"
Jesus said
"I am he, who supplies all you needs"
And you said
"I know, but tomorrow, ooh, tomorrow, I'll give my life tomorrow,
I thought about today, but it's so much easier to say"
Tomorrow, who promised you tomorrow,
better choose the Lord today, for tomorrow very well might be too late.
Jesus said
"Here I stand, won't you please take my hand?"
And you said
"I will tomorrow"
Jesus said
"I am he who supplies all your needs"
And you said
"I know, but tomorrow, ooh, tomorrow, I'll give my life
tomorrow, I thought about today, but it's so much easier to say"
Tomorrow, who promised you tomorrow,
better choose the Lord today, for tomorrow very well might be too late.
And who said tomorrow would ever come for you,
still you laugh and play and continue on to say "tomorrow"
forget about tomorrow, won't you give
your life today oohh,
please don't just turn and walk away
tomorrow, tomorrow????? 
Don't let this moment slip away 
your tomorrow could very well begin today!!!

With a resounding Yes, Lord.......I will today!!

In adversity, look for the benefit that can come out of it.  Even bad experiences offer benefits, but you have to look for them.  ~ By Eric V. Copage

In every crisis, there is a message.  Crises are nature's way of forcing change~breaking down old structures, shaking loose those negative habits so that something new and better can take their place.  ~  By Susan Taylor

Words are nothing but words; power lies in deeds. Be a man (woman) of action.  
~ By Mamado Kouyate

With Love,


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