Monday, February 20, 2012

"Have No Fear!!"

February 19, 2012........


This is what I feared the most
Coming back
To live and post
In this place
This space where
Darkness looms
To consume
My very soul
To have me cold
6 feet under
No wonder
Tried to run
Walk fast
Walk long
Singing my song
Another day
To be away
From doom and gloom
Death tries to take you
While life awaits you
If you answer
The call
Don't stall
Wake up
Sleepy head
Get up
Out the bed
You can do it
I said
To myself
As I lie here
And pray you say
Dear God
Help me
From the demons inside
Fighting my stride
As I walk
Along your side
Your angels know
Thank you Lord
Please keep my soul.....

~By Lolita Jackson     September 7, 2011

The Touch of The Hands

The touch of the hands
From the man
That nursed the wound
Of my heart
That bruised my body
Removed my breast
First the left
Then the right
The touch of love
That let me know
The scar he touches
In my soul
From the hands
Of the man
Has saved my life
With love forever
To his wife
The touch of the hands
From the man
So brand new
Just like the scar 
Touched my heart

~ By Lolita Jackson  January 2011

Dreams Delayed Not Denied

He's tired I see
Wired for me
Life that he be
Wanting for
A distant shore
Beyond the horizon
He can't imagine
His dream be gone
 Melodic no song
He not singin
Constant ringin
His head be hurtin
Not flirtin with the dream devils
So mean
Take away the stray
Won't come out n play
No daddy today
Grandpa gone
Not singin their song
How could this be
No melody
This family
Can't take this no more
It's him I adore
He'll hate me for sure
His life
Not livin
Constantly givin
Not reapin 
Just seepin
Ripped at the seams
This man, his dreams, 
For his family

~ By Lolita Jackson   September 8, 2011

Good Morning/Good Night

Good Night Baby Boy
Good Night Baby Girl

Good Night Daddy
Good Night Mommy

Good Morning Boo
Good Morning To You Too.........

All These Words Sound So Good
Something Kind of Special

From Us Two In Da Hood!!

~ By Lolita Jackson

The very fact that I woke up this morning with air to breathe makes today a wonderful day.  I love each and every day that God has blessed me with.  My soul yearns to to love and show love.  Whenever something happens that causes discord it literally grieves my spirit.  I feel a churning in my stomach.  I watched Whitney's funeral on television yesterday morning and cried for two hours.  It just let me know that we must take every moment that we have and treat like it's our last.  Smell the flowers while you can.  Feel the fresh air while you can.  Enjoy the beautiful view outside your window while you can.  If you don't have a beautiful view, walk to one.  Call someone that you haven't talked to in a long time and tell them that you love them.  Find someone that may need you and do something for them.  Take a little time in your busy day and give encouragement to someone who has lost their way.....(Diana Ross)  We can change things if we start giving, reach out and touch someone......

The chemist who can extract from his heart's elements compassion, respect, longing, patience, regret, surprise, and forgiveness and compound them into one can create that atom which is called love......  ~ By Kahlil Gibran  

Imagine what a harmonious world it could be if every single person, both young and old, shared a little of what he is good at doing.  ~ By Quincy Jones

Nobody can dim the light which shines from within....   ~ By Maya Angelou

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