Saturday, February 18, 2012

"Diamond In The Rough!!"

February 17, 2012........                                     Epiphany

Had an Epiphany
Felt you with Tiffany
Ran to the door
See how I scored
Wait to see
What you have for me
Box is locked
Key won't open
Sad to say
Tiffany an illusion
Stop the confusion
No guest appearance
Stage was set
Put to the test
"F" you get...........

~~By Lolita Jackson   8/8/2011

So What You Want Me....

You say you want me
I believe you, I do
When I get sick
Where are you?
You say you love me,
I believe you, I do
Where are you
When the baby needs
A new pair of shoes?
You say you love me
I believe you, I do
What about your wife?
We enter in, to paradise
You say you love me
I believe you, I do
Why do you want to meet me
In a room?
You say you love me
I believe you, I do
It's just that, Loving you back.......Makes Me A Fool!!!!

~~By Lolita Jackson   9/10/2011

Love Me Slow.....

You Love Me Slow
You Love Me Long
You Stroke Me Good
To Our Favorite Song......

You Kiss My Lips
Both High & Low
I twist & Turn
With Every Moan
Of A Love So Slow
So Good, So Long
That Never Stops
To Our Favorite Song.......

~~By Lolita Jackson   July 27, 2011

Just Say It!!

I want to hear those words
You'll never say,
It's O.K.
I know you never will
To hear you say those words
Would give me such a thrill
Like the kite I'll fly
No limit in the sky
Sand in my toes
On the beach I run
The sound of the ocean
Waves pounding my heart
Early morning sun
Maybe today,
He'll say, just for fun
I wait
I pray
To hear
him say
The words O.K.
Under the gun
I hint
The Sound
Like an echo I hear
So big, no voice
His tongue
Is young
Don't understand
The words
I Love You
Never came
From the man
Has my hand........

~~By Lolita Jackson      March 3, 2011

I am finding that being a walking woman that wins has it's ups and downs.  Some days the best therapy for me is to write, not just walk, even though honestly I haven't walked in a long time.  It's been so long now that I can't count the days.  I again have let everything and everybody else come before Lolita.  I will not give up on me.  I made a promise to me and I am going to do me.  Loving Lolita has been the hardest thing in my life to do.  I pray that I will find from within that which I need to put Lolita first because I'm afraid that if I don't, well, it won't be good that's just the bottom line.

"If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say?"  "And why are you waiting?"   ~~By Stephen Levine

I would call Lolita Jackson and tell her "You can do it!!"  "I believe in you!!"  

"Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right!"  ~~ By Henry Ford

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