Friday, February 3, 2012

"My Tears Hurt ~ Ouch" "Poem by Lolita Jackson"

February 3, 2012........

"I seen it in her eyes
As she started to cry
She began to tell me why
She may have to die
The window to her soul
Like a river
On the bank
Running over
Tears flowing
Showing me how
Deep she be
Inside of me
How can I help you
Where's the sun
To dry this run
Of pain trickling
Pouring out of those eyes
To my surprise
No twinkle
Just drops of moisture
That Sprinkle on my shoulder
I hold her
Up, She falls
Then crawls
Inside I died
As she cried
On the ground
I found 
Life leave me
How could this be
Just yesterday
I heard her say
The future so bright
Blinding her
Need sunglasses
To stand by her
What's happening
Is this A dream?
I mean
Her eyes, that cry
To sleep, she weep
                                                 Her Soul.......By Lolita Jackson 9/10/11

I talk about how I give the devil 15 minutes, that's it, that's all.....I have shared my song and my poem because there will come a time in our lives when we may want to cry, and yes I believe that you should if you have to.  I also believe in letting it go after you get it out, because frankly what are you gonna do about it?  

I would like to offer a solution that works for me every time.  I do practice what I preach.  My solution to crying is laughing.  That's right, a good old fashioned, down home, knee slapping belly laugh!!  It's important to acknowledge difficulties and problems and equally as important to offer solutions.  Hakuna Matata!  Don't Worry, Be Happy!  Did you know that by the time you hit kindergarten you laugh 300 times per day, as adults we laugh maybe 17 times per day.  

Peter Doskoch says:  "Laughter, loosens up the mental gears and helps us think more creatively.  Helps us cope with the difficulties of life.  Reduces stress levels.  Relaxes us as it lowers our heart rate and blood pressure.  Connects us with others and counteracts feelings of alienation, a major factor in depression and suicide.  It also releases endorphins, the brain's natural pain killers."  

Victor Borge says:  "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people."  A good dose of laughing has been linked to being healthy and with aiding in a speedy recovery if you're sick.

My grandmother used to always say "I may be laughing but it's not a good laugh."  She just didn't know that it was a good laugh.  The body doesn't know what a bad laugh is!!  

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song."   ~By Dr. Maya Angelou


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