Thursday, February 16, 2012

"Ring of Life!"

February 15, 2012........

There comes a time in our lives that we must believe in ourselves enough to stay in the ring of life and fight no matter what.  If we have dreams we've got to reach within and hold on like super glue stuck to your fingers.  If you fall you have to get back up, if the punches that are being thrown at you hit you hard enough to knock you out.  Keep your gloves on and fight til the end my friend....

I made a promise to myself at the beginning of the year that I was going to be a walking woman that wins, I am keeping that promise even when the unexpected happens that is enough to literally take my breath away for a couple of days, like an unexpected death, I have had to find a way to tap into the inner sanctum of my soul, my spirit and say yes even though I don't feel like it.

The death of Whitney Houston hit me hard for a lot of reasons.  I know that I didn't know her personally, I didn't have to.  I am still taking it hard, that being said, I am staying in this ring of life, the one I've committed to, the ring that has my healthy body and future in it.

I want to let you know that there will be days that you just don't want to do anything and will want to be left alone, that's okay.  Just keep your eyes on the prize......

I want to share a poem that I wrote called "Lectricity"

"Lectricity, unplugged from me, My energy, That I need, For me to breathe, For me to eat, For me to sleep, My battery, Lectricity, My source of course, Hit deplete, Erased the space, That I placed, Inside my heart, I held so near, And, Dear to me, Lectricity, Ignited me, Fan the spark, Of the flame, That was lain, Down inside, Lost the pride, In my eyes, Lectricity, Saw in me, Remember when, Way back then, Well, Alright, Another night, To reminisce, Of love legit, With every breath, Omnipotent, Your presence, Represent,  Love foretold, Years ago, Lectricity, Need you to see, The light that shines, When I think you're mine, You stop the time, On a dime, Our love like wine, So fine, Suspended in time, Oh my, I, Cry for you, To be my boo, Constant Flow, My energy, That I need, Lover's creed, Our dirty deed's, Screams Passionately!, Of Ecstasy, Lectricity, I paid the bill, In Full Today, To Hear You Say, Out Loud My Name, Love Untamed, Lectricity!!"

~~By Lolita Jackson  9/10/11

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