Monday, February 27, 2012

"Walk To Win!"

February 26, 2012.......

Today was a beautiful day.  People were out walking enjoying the crisp, fresh winter sunshine.  I loved it!!  I seen couples out walking hand in hand, dogs being walked by little kids, babies out in their strollers with parents that were getting their exercise on this lovely day.

This is what a walking woman that wins is all about, taking advantage of life and getting outside the house to feel the outdoor fresh air blowing on my face, while my hair is blowing in the wind......

I never knew that I would enjoy walking so much, I guess I never thought about walking as a big deal until I was faced with the possibility of never walking again, looking at elderly people strolling about town just walking away, thinking "wow" I wish I could do that, walk down the street without pain.  Now I don't take it for granted not in the least.  I'm just out there now, being eternally grateful!!

"My Influence"

"My life shall touch a dozen lives
Before this day is done.
Leave countless marks of good or ill,
E'er sets the evening sun.

This, the wish I always wish,
The prayer I always pray;
Lord, may my life help others lives
It touches by the way."     ~ By John Maxwell

"If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain."  ~ By Dolly Parton

"The key to success, unlock tomorrow, today..."  ~ By Lolita Jackson

Saturday, February 25, 2012

"7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

February 25, 2012........

I've been reading about the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and I see how in some areas I'm effective and in others I am not.  I am a work in progress and I welcome progression in my life.  What it tells me is that I don't have it all figured out and I embrace the journey of discovery.  I am enjoying my life today, the adventures I find myself on in trying to become a highly effective person, searching for that which would give me security in knowing that I am giving my life as it is today the best that I can give it.  I enjoy taking time out of my day to learn and grow with no inhibitions and even if I do have them, I am continuing the process in order to know that I have fulfilled that which I have purposed to do.

In our "Leadership Academy" we teach from the 7 Habits, what I am enjoying is learning about the habits, as well, putting myself in subjection to following the habits like I talk to the students about.  We met on Thursday and we talked about the first habit, being proactive, the teen version and what being proactive means verses being reactive and I must say that I have to work on this daily, most days I fall short of the goal of being a proactive highly effective person, however; I want to be that person.  A woman with vision and purpose.

I like the energy that I get from the students, they keep me grounded and inspire me to be better and do more, as much as they think that I push them to be the best, to do more, to be better.  They equally do that for me.  I can't say something with my mouth and not have my actions and deeds produce what I am saying.

The more I study these habits, the more I want to walk, exercise, work out and be healthy.  I am finding peace, comfort and solace on this journey thanking God daily for the air I breathe.....

I plan on finding the most exciting places to walk and sharing pictures as soon as I know how to post all of those things I will share them.

I am on my way out the door to enjoy the wonderful day that awaits me outside.  I can hear the birds singing to me, it's like music to my ears.  I love it!!

"We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit"   ~ By Aristotle

"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor."  ~ By Henry David Thoreau

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."  
~ By Oliver Wendell Holmes

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"My Dearest Lolita!!"

February 22, 2012......

Hey Baby Girl, you did it!!......I just want to say before I put my head on the pillow, that I didn't just get out and walk, I also went to the gym and hit the weights!!  The feelings I have right now are amazing!!  I am proud of myself.

Good Night!!



"Life loves the liver of it. Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told: I'm with you, kid. Let's go."
~ By Melvin Chapman

"My Word Is Bond!!"

February 21, 2012.......

Okay, I have a confession to make, I said from day one that I would keep it real and stay true to myself, truth is by not walking lately, I haven't been true to myself.  Yeah, I may say that my letting it be known that I haven't been walking is keeping it real and staying true to myself but, actually it's not.  There's nothing real about me not making the time to take care of myself!  There's nothing true about me not taking time out of my so called busy day to walk for my life, my health, my spirit, my soul, my family and yes, even my friends........

It hit me today, I gave my word to myself.  I said to "Lolita" that she was important, worthy, beautiful and strong.  I told myself that I was a "Walking Woman That Wins!!"  If I don't make time to walk, I don't win, it's just as simple as that.  Truth is, there isn't anything more important than that because if I don't adhere to the inner voice inside of me, the one that is telling me to take care of myself, there will be consequences and those consequences could be dire, life threatening, take me off the face of this earth consequences.  Or to the contrary, leave me with some sort of debilitating disease or sickness that may as well take me off the face of this earth because my wings will be clipped, I couldn't fly.  I'm too musch of a free spirit.  I was born to be an eagle, and for too long I didn't know it.  Far too long I've lived the life of a pigeon, pecking around here, pecking around there, always feeling like something just wasn't quite right, not being able to put my fingers on it.

I can say this, that I have been keeping my ear to ground (so to speak).   I've been listening to the sound of my spirit, recognizing it when it speaks, sometimes I hear it when I observe others and what they may go through or what they may say.  For example, I was watching the biggest loser last night and one of the contestants wrote in her journal back in 2010 about how she didn't like herself.  She had written how she felt unworthy and that she could not understand why she had friends in the first place.  Then she was asked to speak of what she thinks of herself now, after 2 months of losing over 60 pounds, the young lady still struggled with loving herself enough to give herself a compliment.  It made me think of my own life, my own struggles and yes, even my own victories and yet, I too find it difficult to say well done Lolita.  I have struggled with the question, "Why am I not worthy of the best health?  The strongest body?  What is holding me back?  Why would I choose to eat the cake verses the vegetables?  I don't have all the answers today.  I may never........However, I must give it a try.  Last nights show was about no more excuses.  I was full of excuses.  I am full of excuses.  There is not one reason why I can't find an hour or two to do Lolita!!

I have also thought a lot about Whitney Houston and how we all have looked at her life and said that is was short lived, a tragedy, how could this have happened?  Why did she do what she did?  Some of us have even thought of how we may have been able to help her.  Only if she would of turned around and went the other way 5 months ago and stayed pointed in the other direction after she had gotten out of rehab then this wouldn't have happened.  I don't know.  I can't say.  What I will say is this, Whitney left all of us with so much, we all talk about the gift of her voice, and I would be the first to say that I am no different than anyone else, I loved to sing me some Whitney Houston songs.  Whitney was my bff in my head.  What I will remember most about Whitney is the lessons I am learning in her passing.  I can see that her inner voice spoke to her back in May when she went to rehab, she knew deep inside that she needed to turn her life around.  Her spirit said for her to go the other way or she wouldn't have checked in to rehab in the first place. Tomorrow isn't promised to any of us.  I don't have answers for all the rest, nor am I going to sit around and try to figure it out.  I am going to take my gift that she gave me and open it and say "Thank You Whitney!!"

When our spirit man or woman speaks, we better listen.........

Lolita's spirit woman is saying that if I get out and walk, I will win!!  Amen!!.........

I want to share the lyrics of the song that the Winans sang at Whitney's funeral from the song:


Jesus said
"Here I stand, won't you please let me in?"
And you said
"I will tomorrow"
Jesus said
"I am he, who supplies all you needs"
And you said
"I know, but tomorrow, ooh, tomorrow, I'll give my life tomorrow,
I thought about today, but it's so much easier to say"
Tomorrow, who promised you tomorrow,
better choose the Lord today, for tomorrow very well might be too late.
Jesus said
"Here I stand, won't you please take my hand?"
And you said
"I will tomorrow"
Jesus said
"I am he who supplies all your needs"
And you said
"I know, but tomorrow, ooh, tomorrow, I'll give my life
tomorrow, I thought about today, but it's so much easier to say"
Tomorrow, who promised you tomorrow,
better choose the Lord today, for tomorrow very well might be too late.
And who said tomorrow would ever come for you,
still you laugh and play and continue on to say "tomorrow"
forget about tomorrow, won't you give
your life today oohh,
please don't just turn and walk away
tomorrow, tomorrow????? 
Don't let this moment slip away 
your tomorrow could very well begin today!!!

With a resounding Yes, Lord.......I will today!!

In adversity, look for the benefit that can come out of it.  Even bad experiences offer benefits, but you have to look for them.  ~ By Eric V. Copage

In every crisis, there is a message.  Crises are nature's way of forcing change~breaking down old structures, shaking loose those negative habits so that something new and better can take their place.  ~  By Susan Taylor

Words are nothing but words; power lies in deeds. Be a man (woman) of action.  
~ By Mamado Kouyate

With Love,


Monday, February 20, 2012

"Have No Fear!!"

February 19, 2012........


This is what I feared the most
Coming back
To live and post
In this place
This space where
Darkness looms
To consume
My very soul
To have me cold
6 feet under
No wonder
Tried to run
Walk fast
Walk long
Singing my song
Another day
To be away
From doom and gloom
Death tries to take you
While life awaits you
If you answer
The call
Don't stall
Wake up
Sleepy head
Get up
Out the bed
You can do it
I said
To myself
As I lie here
And pray you say
Dear God
Help me
From the demons inside
Fighting my stride
As I walk
Along your side
Your angels know
Thank you Lord
Please keep my soul.....

~By Lolita Jackson     September 7, 2011

The Touch of The Hands

The touch of the hands
From the man
That nursed the wound
Of my heart
That bruised my body
Removed my breast
First the left
Then the right
The touch of love
That let me know
The scar he touches
In my soul
From the hands
Of the man
Has saved my life
With love forever
To his wife
The touch of the hands
From the man
So brand new
Just like the scar 
Touched my heart

~ By Lolita Jackson  January 2011

Dreams Delayed Not Denied

He's tired I see
Wired for me
Life that he be
Wanting for
A distant shore
Beyond the horizon
He can't imagine
His dream be gone
 Melodic no song
He not singin
Constant ringin
His head be hurtin
Not flirtin with the dream devils
So mean
Take away the stray
Won't come out n play
No daddy today
Grandpa gone
Not singin their song
How could this be
No melody
This family
Can't take this no more
It's him I adore
He'll hate me for sure
His life
Not livin
Constantly givin
Not reapin 
Just seepin
Ripped at the seams
This man, his dreams, 
For his family

~ By Lolita Jackson   September 8, 2011

Good Morning/Good Night

Good Night Baby Boy
Good Night Baby Girl

Good Night Daddy
Good Night Mommy

Good Morning Boo
Good Morning To You Too.........

All These Words Sound So Good
Something Kind of Special

From Us Two In Da Hood!!

~ By Lolita Jackson

The very fact that I woke up this morning with air to breathe makes today a wonderful day.  I love each and every day that God has blessed me with.  My soul yearns to to love and show love.  Whenever something happens that causes discord it literally grieves my spirit.  I feel a churning in my stomach.  I watched Whitney's funeral on television yesterday morning and cried for two hours.  It just let me know that we must take every moment that we have and treat like it's our last.  Smell the flowers while you can.  Feel the fresh air while you can.  Enjoy the beautiful view outside your window while you can.  If you don't have a beautiful view, walk to one.  Call someone that you haven't talked to in a long time and tell them that you love them.  Find someone that may need you and do something for them.  Take a little time in your busy day and give encouragement to someone who has lost their way.....(Diana Ross)  We can change things if we start giving, reach out and touch someone......

The chemist who can extract from his heart's elements compassion, respect, longing, patience, regret, surprise, and forgiveness and compound them into one can create that atom which is called love......  ~ By Kahlil Gibran  

Imagine what a harmonious world it could be if every single person, both young and old, shared a little of what he is good at doing.  ~ By Quincy Jones

Nobody can dim the light which shines from within....   ~ By Maya Angelou

Sunday, February 19, 2012


February 18, 2012........

I hear you........There's an inner voice inside me that's screaming loudly to make changes to my health.  I was prompted to change by a small inner voice, you know a whisper, that was letting me know "Lolita, baby girl you need to get out and start walking, eating right, lose some weight, and start on that journey to better health."  I set out at the beginning of the new year with this grandiose plan of action to implement it, knowing it wasn't going to be easy.  Lately, I hear the voice shouting at me, telling me to turn this ship around now.

I will admit that I am struggling with eating right and just getting out the door to walk.  I am going to reveal something that will embarrass the living crap out of me, but I also said that I will keep it real.

Okay, so here it goes.......I had my husband take the dining room table down and remove it out of the house along with the chairs that goes with it, thinking that if he does that it would force me to use the weight equipment that I had out on the patio once he set it up in the house.  Now get this, I have a professional elyptical machine downstairs, a professional weight bench with an olympic size barbell and weights that go on it, in addition to that I have a beautiful stationary bike that looks like one of those spinner bikes with the handle bars that move back and fourth as nice cool air blows toward you, it doesn't get any better than that.  Well, does;  I also have dumb bells in every color, yoga mats, yoga dvd"s, work out dvd's, bands, you name it, I have it.  There's one thing missing, guess what it is?

I don't know!!!!!  WHAT IS MISSING?  If I knew the answer to that question, I would be writing a different  story tonight.  I am starting to feel these aches and pains in my knees, my body is doing funny things on the inside and I am completely sure that it's related to excess weight, lack of exercise and overall poor health.

My prayer is that God will give me the strength to be successful at carrying out the goal of being a walking woman that wins!!!...........

I know God is able!!  So am I!!!

Crying Soul

My soul cries
Denied of Love
Like Mud
Clay Cracked
Heart Broke
Choked back the fear
To live a life
With cheer
No smile
Like veneers
Wonder why
I should try
Life stole
My soul
When I was just 4 years old!!!!
~~By Lolita Jackson   9/8/2011

Sexxxy To Boot

I'm Sexxxy
I'm Cute
Cuddly to boot
So fine
As wine
Spend your last dime
I love flowers
They have powers
To heal the soul
Put smiles on faces
They show up
Unique places
Fragrant & Sweet
Stands tall
Wide & Blossomed

~By Lolita Jackson     April 2011

Achieving the goal isn't half as important as setting it....  By Anthony Robbins

Strive for the greatest possible harmony and compassion in your business and in your life...............By Oprah Winfrey

Failure is a word I don't accept.......  ~ By John H. Johnson

Saturday, February 18, 2012

"Diamond In The Rough!!"

February 17, 2012........                                     Epiphany

Had an Epiphany
Felt you with Tiffany
Ran to the door
See how I scored
Wait to see
What you have for me
Box is locked
Key won't open
Sad to say
Tiffany an illusion
Stop the confusion
No guest appearance
Stage was set
Put to the test
"F" you get...........

~~By Lolita Jackson   8/8/2011

So What You Want Me....

You say you want me
I believe you, I do
When I get sick
Where are you?
You say you love me,
I believe you, I do
Where are you
When the baby needs
A new pair of shoes?
You say you love me
I believe you, I do
What about your wife?
We enter in, to paradise
You say you love me
I believe you, I do
Why do you want to meet me
In a room?
You say you love me
I believe you, I do
It's just that, Loving you back.......Makes Me A Fool!!!!

~~By Lolita Jackson   9/10/2011

Love Me Slow.....

You Love Me Slow
You Love Me Long
You Stroke Me Good
To Our Favorite Song......

You Kiss My Lips
Both High & Low
I twist & Turn
With Every Moan
Of A Love So Slow
So Good, So Long
That Never Stops
To Our Favorite Song.......

~~By Lolita Jackson   July 27, 2011

Just Say It!!

I want to hear those words
You'll never say,
It's O.K.
I know you never will
To hear you say those words
Would give me such a thrill
Like the kite I'll fly
No limit in the sky
Sand in my toes
On the beach I run
The sound of the ocean
Waves pounding my heart
Early morning sun
Maybe today,
He'll say, just for fun
I wait
I pray
To hear
him say
The words O.K.
Under the gun
I hint
The Sound
Like an echo I hear
So big, no voice
His tongue
Is young
Don't understand
The words
I Love You
Never came
From the man
Has my hand........

~~By Lolita Jackson      March 3, 2011

I am finding that being a walking woman that wins has it's ups and downs.  Some days the best therapy for me is to write, not just walk, even though honestly I haven't walked in a long time.  It's been so long now that I can't count the days.  I again have let everything and everybody else come before Lolita.  I will not give up on me.  I made a promise to me and I am going to do me.  Loving Lolita has been the hardest thing in my life to do.  I pray that I will find from within that which I need to put Lolita first because I'm afraid that if I don't, well, it won't be good that's just the bottom line.

"If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say?"  "And why are you waiting?"   ~~By Stephen Levine

I would call Lolita Jackson and tell her "You can do it!!"  "I believe in you!!"  

"Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right!"  ~~ By Henry Ford

Friday, February 17, 2012

"The Greatest Love of All"

February 16, 2012.......

Whitney sang a line from one of her songs, that learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.  That's something that we all must come to grips with in our lives, coming to that place in life where we learn to love ourselves regardless of what is being said about us, or what is thought about us.  It is also something that is challenging to teach.  I find that being a parent, leader, role model, and advisor is difficult when faced with the sometimes daunting task of trying to show others the importance of loving yourself.

Oliver Wendell Holmes once attended a meeting in which he was the shortest man present.  "Dr. Holmes," quipped a friend, "I should think you'd feel rather small among us big fellows."  "I do," retorted Holmes, "I feel like a dime among a lot of pennies."

And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.  ~~ By Antoine de Saint~Exupery

"Children Learn What They Live"

If children live with criticism,
they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility,
they learn to fight.
If children live with fear,
they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity,
they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule,
they learn to be shy.
If children live with jealousy,
they learn what envy is.
If children live with shame,
they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with tolerance,
they learn to be patient.
If children live with encouragement,
they learn to be confident.
If children live with praise,
they learn to appreciate.
If children live with approval,
they learn to like themselves.
If children live with acceptance,
they learn to find love in the world.
If children live with recognition,
they learn to have a goal.
If children live with sharing,
they learn to be generous.
If children live with honesty and fairness,
they learn what truth and justice are.
If children live with security,
they learn to have faith in themselves
and in those around them.
If children live with friendliness,
they learn that the world is a nice
place in which to live.
If children live wit serenity,
they learn to have peace of mind.
With what are your children living?

~~By Dorothy L. Nolte

Thursday, February 16, 2012

"Ring of Life!"

February 15, 2012........

There comes a time in our lives that we must believe in ourselves enough to stay in the ring of life and fight no matter what.  If we have dreams we've got to reach within and hold on like super glue stuck to your fingers.  If you fall you have to get back up, if the punches that are being thrown at you hit you hard enough to knock you out.  Keep your gloves on and fight til the end my friend....

I made a promise to myself at the beginning of the year that I was going to be a walking woman that wins, I am keeping that promise even when the unexpected happens that is enough to literally take my breath away for a couple of days, like an unexpected death, I have had to find a way to tap into the inner sanctum of my soul, my spirit and say yes even though I don't feel like it.

The death of Whitney Houston hit me hard for a lot of reasons.  I know that I didn't know her personally, I didn't have to.  I am still taking it hard, that being said, I am staying in this ring of life, the one I've committed to, the ring that has my healthy body and future in it.

I want to let you know that there will be days that you just don't want to do anything and will want to be left alone, that's okay.  Just keep your eyes on the prize......

I want to share a poem that I wrote called "Lectricity"

"Lectricity, unplugged from me, My energy, That I need, For me to breathe, For me to eat, For me to sleep, My battery, Lectricity, My source of course, Hit deplete, Erased the space, That I placed, Inside my heart, I held so near, And, Dear to me, Lectricity, Ignited me, Fan the spark, Of the flame, That was lain, Down inside, Lost the pride, In my eyes, Lectricity, Saw in me, Remember when, Way back then, Well, Alright, Another night, To reminisce, Of love legit, With every breath, Omnipotent, Your presence, Represent,  Love foretold, Years ago, Lectricity, Need you to see, The light that shines, When I think you're mine, You stop the time, On a dime, Our love like wine, So fine, Suspended in time, Oh my, I, Cry for you, To be my boo, Constant Flow, My energy, That I need, Lover's creed, Our dirty deed's, Screams Passionately!, Of Ecstasy, Lectricity, I paid the bill, In Full Today, To Hear You Say, Out Loud My Name, Love Untamed, Lectricity!!"

~~By Lolita Jackson  9/10/11

Sunday, February 12, 2012


February 12, 2012........


I don't do 
Rejection well
Can't you tell
These feelings
To childhood 
I was sent
My life 
Living hell
To not know 
What to do
What to say
How to live
Give, give, give
Take, take, take
Dawned on me
Before a victim 
I become
Tears on the 
Run, run, run
Is my reward
Take charge of 
Being good
Constant flow
Living water
Rivers deep
My love 
To be reaped
 Bottomless well
I can tell
This is a gift
I must shift
To whom it's meant
My love so deep
It's me
I see
I get it now
From a child
To love yourself
It's me
I see
I get it now
Always told
Love thy neighbor
As ourselves
No self worth
Of my own
Love so rich  
I'll say, to myself
So bold
I Miss You Boo
Good Morning Beautiful!!
Knock, Knock
My Love
Tick Tock
The Clock
Wake up 
Sleepy head
Get out of bed
Love awaits
Your arrival
Thanking God
My survival
My Pet
Never again
To sweat
Rejection from
Bottomless pit....

~~By Lolita Jackson    9/14/11

"I Look To You!!"

February 11, 2012........

I guess you've all heard by now that she's gone.....Whitney Houston is no longer here on this earth as we know it gracing us with her presence of elegance, beauty, love and light.  I loved me some Whitney Houston.  I feel numb.  I really do.  The news of her passing has really made me think about life even more than I already do, how precious every moment is and how death has no boundaries.  While we would all like to think we are going to live to a ripe elderly age, truth is some of us won't make it there together.

It's like I said yesterday, while we are here, what are we going to do with our gift?  Our purpose?  We owe it to ourselves to give this life our best shot, our best effort, do the best we can.  Live the best we can.  Can we truly say, if all of us were to look in the mirror that we have done the best we can do?  For me, I can't.   I can do better, especially with my weight, my body, my mind, my soul.  I can do better.  It's times like these that make us stop and think about how precious life really is.

Are we sowing seeds of love?  Or, Are we sowing seeds of discord?  Spewing venom and hate?  What's our make-up?  Do you know the weather of your mind?

My Dearest Whitney, I must thank you for all the love that you have given us.  Thank you for your gift and for using the voice that God gave you to bless us all.

I want to share the lyrics to one of Whitney's latest songs, in the passing of Whitney Houston, I leave these words:

"I Look To You ~ By Whitney Houston"

As I lay me down
Heaven hear me now
I'm lost without a cause
After giving it my all
Winter storms have come
And darkened my sun
After all that I've been through
Who on earth can I turn to?
I Look To You
After all my strength is gone
In you I can be strong
I Look To You
And when melodies are gone
In you I hear a song
I Look To You
About to lose my breath
There's no more fighting left
Sinking to rise no more
Searching for that open door
And every road that I've taken
Led to my regret
And I don't know if I'm gonna make it
Nothing to do but lift my head
I Look To You
My levee's have broken, my walls have come crumbling down on me!!
The rain is falling, defeat is calling
I need you to set me free
Take me far away from the battle
I need you, shine on me
I Look To You
After all my strength has gone 
In you I can be strong
I Look To You
I Look To You!!!........"

"It's not what you take but what you leave behind that defines greatness."  ~~ By Edward Gardner

"Love is like a virus, it can happen to anybody at anytime."  ~~  By Dr. Maya Angelou

Whitney Houston......I Love You, May You Rest In Peace.....




February 10, 2012

I fell asleep yesterday completely exhausted.  I had a week that hurt so good....  There were days that you could of literally peeled me off of the ceiling, yet there were other days I couldn't hold back the tears.  I started thinking about the gifts that each of us have been blessed with, our purpose here on earth, what we have to give, our footprint if you will, our legacy?  I believe that we all have one, our earth dna.  The question becomes what are we going to do about it?

While some struggle to find their purpose, others don't know that they have a purpose, still some run from their purpose, and others want to stand in the way of someone else's purpose not realizing that God has their portion set aside for them should they choose to recognize what it is and walk in that which is designed for them.  The bible says that "our footsteps are ordered by the Lord."  It's already there.

Here's to devine destiny, walking in what God has set aside for each and everyone of us.   My prayer is that we all find what that is.....

"There is no paycheck that can equal the feeling of contentment that comes from being the person you are meant to be."   ~~ By Oprah Winfrey

"That best portion of a good man's life: his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love."  ~~  By William Wordsworth



Friday, February 10, 2012

"That's What Friends Are For!!"

February 9, 2012......

They say that if you can say that you have had one good friend in your life then you are blessed.  I can say that I am a blessed woman.  I understand that friends come in seasons and we may not have the same set of friends from one season to the next, and that's okay, it has taken me a long time to get to the point where I can accept that and be okay with not being okay with everyone.  What I appreciate are the people that God has put in my life that are genuine, pure, honest and love from the heart.  You know, easy like Sunday Morning!!

I love from that place that's deep, like a well, I love to love from that place.  I also hurt from that place, the deep.  I don't like the deep, the part that hurts in my heart when my eyes open up, after they have been wide shut.

Sometimes, I pretend to have them wide shut with a smile on my face, you know when you know that you see what's going on around you, that other side that's not genuine, pure, honest and from the heart.  I pretend because it's painful to know and see the ones that you would of given your wedding ring for let your eyes cry.

Good Night.....


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


February 8, 2012......

Have you ever just asked yourself why?  I started to ask myself that today then I decided that I didn't care why.  I just didn't want to know.  The bottom line is, it doesn't matter why other people do what they do, you can't do anything about it anyway, just like other people can't do anything about what I do.  They can say "I wonder why Lolita did that?"  It doesn't matter, I do things my way, and why don't matter.  I reminded myself of that when I was  beginning to wonder why?  Truth is, people do things their way, don't matter I won't lose any sleep over it, I'm going to bed.....


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"Habit #1 ~ Be Proactive"

February 7, 2012.......

In Stephen Covey's book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the first habit is to be proactive.  In other words, take responsibility.  There comes a time in our lives when we have to stop  blaming other people for our mistakes and for what happens in our lives.  The truth of the matter is we can't blame anyone but ourselves.  If you are not a toddler, blame yourself.

Abraham Lincoln said "People are as happy as they make up their minds to be."   Are you proactive or reactive?  The choice is yours......


Monday, February 6, 2012

"Fly Like An Eagle"

February 6, 2012........

Have you ever studied and eagle?  I never really thought about eagles until I was out walking and seen one in my community.  I even have pictures of that eagle.  He/She was beautiful!!  I was surprised to see an eagle in my neighborhood, perched in my neighbors tree, the eagle sat there and let everyone stare at it, never moved anything but his head from side to side, at one point not even his head moved, just his eyes, and that mad me curious.  I wanted to know everything there was to know about the eagle.....Why was that eagle even in my neighborhood in the first place?  What made the eagle so comfortable that it would just sit there O' so close, yet so far away, up in that tree?  I wanted to know more about the characteristics of the eagle!!

What I discovered is that an eagle soars, even in the midst of a storm.  If the weather gets bad, the eagle will fly high, higher than the circumstances surrounding it.  The eagle has keen vision, the ability to see 270 miles away.  I would say that the eagle was a visionary.  The eagle is a leader, the eagle doesn't sit around on the ground hanging around with the pecking buzzards and hens, no sir, the eagle rises above to new heights as he flies, the eagle doesn't use his wings to lift him up, the wind lifts the eagle, he just spreads his wings and flies.

When I think about what it takes to set goals and reach them it may require us to think like an eagle and ask ourselves what would the eagle be doing in our everyday lives, situations and circumstances?  Would the eagle waddle around on the ground, hen pecking, getting dirty like a dirty ugly duckling?  Or, would the eagle lift himself up, see way down the road where he needs to go, then let the storm lift him up higher so that he rises above with the ability to fly over 150 miles per hour and see his way up out the storm, flying on to better, sunnier, blue skies?  I think so....

I want to have the characteristics of an eagle.  I want to soar.  When the going gets tough, I'll rise up and fly!!

I'm reminded of a song that I would like to share with you ~~ By R. Kelly...... "I Believe I Can Fly!!"

"I used to think that I could not go on, and life was nothing but an awful song.  But now I know the meaning of true love, I'm leaning on the everlasting arms....If I can see it, then I can do it.  If I just believe it, there's nothing to it.  I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky.  I think about it every night and day.  Spread my wings and fly away.  I believe I can soar.  I see myself running through that open door.  See I was on the verge of breaking down.  Sometimes silence can seem so loud.  There are miracles in life I must achieve,  but first I know it starts inside of me.  If I can see it, then I can be it.  If I just believe it, there's nothing to it.  Hey, cause I believe in me!!  Hey, if I just spread my wings, I can fly!!!"      ~~By R. Kelly

"Give me what sustains me.  Help me to find what I need to keep going in my life, to find what propels me and gives me energy.  Bring purpose to my actions so they have meaning to my soul.  This is sustained through my personal symbols of success that come from my visions of possibility.  I'm asking for clarity of vision so I can see where to go, what I need to do.  With this image, help me to live what it will take to get there.  Help me to trust in my own abilities.  Help me to live what I have asked for.  Bring joy and clarity to my journey."  
                                                                                                               ~~By Stephen R Covey  


Sunday, February 5, 2012


February 5, 2012.......

I was talking with a friend earlier today and she used the work "precisely" I told her that I was going to steal that word today because I wanted to use it for my blog.  I have found that lately, I have to be precise in my commitment to better health.  One area is managing my time and getting a good nights sleep.  I plan on changing a few things starting tonight.  In order for me to do that I must cut my blogging short and get in the bed!!!

Good Night!

Precise 1. Carefully distinct.....

To thine self be true.....  ~  Author-unknown

"Seasons 4 Reasons"

February 4, 2012                                  SEASONS ~4~ REASONS

"Now I know for sure
That people are a cure
For a season
There's a reason
In my life I believe in
Not tomorrow
I borrow
Your friendship
On loan
From God
The universal supply
Of what I need 
Right now
Eternally supplied
To guide
Grateful for the nourishment 
I receive
The encouragement
When I need
What I need
We feed
Off each other
I find freedom
In knowing
For a season
I'm glowing
With you all around
What we have
We share
It's real
It's good
Thank you
To care
Your love
I bear
This Season 
I'm Breathin
Thank You
For Being
                                                       The Reason"              By Lolita Jackson   9/11


If I touch you like fire
I'll get burned
If I think of you,
I'll yearn......
Forbidden fruit I taste
Sour, so good
Don't pick from the tree
Rotten to the core
The lure of your
My Soul
                                                               Sold.......     By Lolita Jackson   January, 2011

In this infinite space of my life, I find ways to draw on all that is good, loving and complete.  I am nourished by that which brings me joy, the sun, the earth, the sounds of laughter and rain brings me love not pain.  In the stillness of quiet there's peace to behold.  Loving me, sustains me.  I grow with every seed that I plant in my soul, watered by love, and life, enriched by the desire to be rooted and grounded spiritually, holistically nothing missing and nothing broken.  It is well, with my soul......Walking frees me, releases me to be, me......



Saturday, February 4, 2012

"Living Proof"

February 3, 2012......

I know that I am a blessed woman.  I have been fortunate enough to have made it through the fire!!  I'm talking about walking on hot coals fire with your bare feet.  Everyday when I wake up I feel the sheets to see if God blessed me to see another day, and today he did.

I opened the blinds today and the sun was shining through the windows so bright and beautiful, it was absolutely breathtaking, the sun rays were warm and delicious.  It felt so good, you would of thought that we were in the middle of spring season instead of the middle of winter.

Lately, I've been doing a lot of soul searching about my blessings and just how much God has blessed me, particularly with my health.  A year ago to the date, I was literally in the fight of my life, for my life.  I know for me, it's made me appreciate life.  I try to live each day as if it were my last and if it were my last what would I want to be doing on my last day here on earth?  How would I want to be remembered?  Would I be able to say to myself that I've given my all?  Would other people say "Lolita, put her all into everything she does"  Will I have a legacy to be remembered by?  Do I take the time to smell the roses as I walk down the streets?  Do I stop and notice the little things?  The answer is yes.....I was sitting at my desk today, the television was off and I couldn't help but notice that the birds were out singing as if they were in a choir.  I could tell that there was more than one type of bird and they were just singing and chirping away.  Now, I don't know if that's something I would have paid attention a year ago or not, but I do know that today I did, and I enjoyed the melody, the chorus was that of a full choir.  I like where I am today.  I like that my senses have been heightened and I allow myself to marvel at God's Majesty!!

I heard a song today and I want to share the song with you....... ~  By Mary J. Blige "Living Proof"

"It's gonna be a long long journey.  It's gonna be an uphill climb.  It's gonna be a tough fight.  There's gonna be some lonely nights, but I'm ready to carry on.  I'm so glad the worst is over (cause it almost took me out).  I can start living now.  I feel like I can do anything!!  And finally I'm not afraid to breathe........Anything you say to me, and everything you do, you can't deny the truth, cause I'm the living proof.  So many don't survive,  they just don't make it through, but look at me, I'm the living proof!!  Thinking about how life's been painful, took awhile to learn how to smile.  So now I'm gonna talk to my people about the storm, about the storm....So glad the worst is over.  I can start flying now!!  My best days are right in front of me, yet I'm almost there, cuz now I'm free.  Anything you say to me, and everything you do.  You can't deny the truth.  Cuz I'm the living proof!!  So many don't survive, they just don't make it through, but look at me, I'm the living proof!!  I know where I'm going, cuz I know where I've been.  I kind of feel strong, I'm gonna stay strong,  Cuz I know a lot more today, and I know yesterday, so I'm ready to carry on......."

"I'm The Living Proof!!"

Amazing, ugh!!!!!  How can one song, sum it all up????  I Am The Living Proof......

"The Birds are Singin
Ringin, Melodic, Music
Violins, strummin
Hummin in the mornin
Playin and swayin, in the sky
I hear, their cry
Of joy, so coy, as I lie
Wake up, get up, no fuss, it's mornin
You should be hummin
Strummin in the mornin
You made it
To see your sister, your brother
Move like a harp, sashay through your day
Play, run, walk on the ground,
To the sound of our singin, ringin
In the sky
As you pass, us walkin by
We'll be hummin
                                         The melody of the mornin!!! ~  By Lolita Jackson  Sept/2011

"Life is really very simple, what we give out, we get back."   ~  By Louise Hay



Friday, February 3, 2012

"My Tears Hurt ~ Ouch" "Poem by Lolita Jackson"

February 3, 2012........

"I seen it in her eyes
As she started to cry
She began to tell me why
She may have to die
The window to her soul
Like a river
On the bank
Running over
Tears flowing
Showing me how
Deep she be
Inside of me
How can I help you
Where's the sun
To dry this run
Of pain trickling
Pouring out of those eyes
To my surprise
No twinkle
Just drops of moisture
That Sprinkle on my shoulder
I hold her
Up, She falls
Then crawls
Inside I died
As she cried
On the ground
I found 
Life leave me
How could this be
Just yesterday
I heard her say
The future so bright
Blinding her
Need sunglasses
To stand by her
What's happening
Is this A dream?
I mean
Her eyes, that cry
To sleep, she weep
                                                 Her Soul.......By Lolita Jackson 9/10/11

I talk about how I give the devil 15 minutes, that's it, that's all.....I have shared my song and my poem because there will come a time in our lives when we may want to cry, and yes I believe that you should if you have to.  I also believe in letting it go after you get it out, because frankly what are you gonna do about it?  

I would like to offer a solution that works for me every time.  I do practice what I preach.  My solution to crying is laughing.  That's right, a good old fashioned, down home, knee slapping belly laugh!!  It's important to acknowledge difficulties and problems and equally as important to offer solutions.  Hakuna Matata!  Don't Worry, Be Happy!  Did you know that by the time you hit kindergarten you laugh 300 times per day, as adults we laugh maybe 17 times per day.  

Peter Doskoch says:  "Laughter, loosens up the mental gears and helps us think more creatively.  Helps us cope with the difficulties of life.  Reduces stress levels.  Relaxes us as it lowers our heart rate and blood pressure.  Connects us with others and counteracts feelings of alienation, a major factor in depression and suicide.  It also releases endorphins, the brain's natural pain killers."  

Victor Borge says:  "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people."  A good dose of laughing has been linked to being healthy and with aiding in a speedy recovery if you're sick.

My grandmother used to always say "I may be laughing but it's not a good laugh."  She just didn't know that it was a good laugh.  The body doesn't know what a bad laugh is!!  

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song."   ~By Dr. Maya Angelou


Thursday, February 2, 2012

"Her Eyes R Crying"

February 2, 2012......

It's always been said that I wear my heart on my sleeve.  I know that I do.  Sometimes I do my best to hide it though, I must say that there are times when I do a real good job of it, times when I want to cry and I hold back the tears.

Today was one of those days when I just wanted to cry.  And, I did.  In doing so, I thought about a song that I used to sing as a little girl, at the time it was just a song to sing, no meaning whatsoever to me, for some reason it was in my spirit, so I want to share it.......

 "Tracks Of My Tears" ~  by Smokey Robinson

"People say I'm the life of the party cause, I tell a joke or two.  Although I might be laughing loud ainside I'm blue.  So take a good look at my face, you'll see my smile looks out of place, if you look closer it's easy to trace, the tracks of my tears, I need you, need you.  Since you left me if you see me with another girl, seeming like I'm having fun, although she may be cute, she's just a substitute, because you're the permanent one....Outside, I'm masquerading, inside my hope is fading.  Just a clown, since you put me down. My smile is my make up, I wear since my break up with you.....So baby take a good look at my face, you'll see my smile looks out of place, if you look closer, it's easy to trace, The Tracks Of My Tears!!!"

I don't know why it happens like this.  Everything can be going good for you right?  Then you find that it's not that way with everyone.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Honesty Is The Best Policy"!!!

February 1, 2012........

I have not walked in over a week.  I have let everything and everyone come first again in my life.  I am so tired I can hardly see straight.  I am having such a tough time balancing my self priorities with everything else.  I said that I was going to keep it 100.......This is how it is.  I know that I don't have a choice, yet why is it such a hard thing to do?  I don't have the answers to that, I really don't.  I have a friend that wakes up very early in the morning and she gets out there and does her thing.  I would, but I am having just as tough of a time going to sleep at night.    Even after one whole month I don't have it figured out.  I won't talk long tonight.  I am going to get in the bed right now and set my alarm for 5 am.  Then, I am going to get out and walk before 6am.  I'll let you know how that will be working for me?

I did start my other blog today!!  Hip, Hip, Hooray!!, I have been writing like that over the years and I've decided to share some of it.

Walking tip of the day...........WALK!!!  (Smile)

Take Care,
