Friday, April 13, 2012


April 12, 2012.....

OMG!!  Oh My God....I did it!!  I put in that dvd and I got to gettin....Now I didn't do the entire 45 minutes but I did do 30 minutes, and for Lolita, in the shape I'm currently in, this is a major milestone, and I just got to say Thank You......

I don't know how I am going to feel tomorrow physically, but I do know that right now I feel delicious, shoot, I feel scrumptious, I know my husband could sop me up with a biscuit, ha ha ha!!

Anyway, I'm tired.  I will not repeat yesterday, I didn't go to sleep at all.  So, Goodnight, pleasant dreams, sleep tight and don't let the boogey man bite.

"When you've done all you can do to stand, stand!"

Lo Lo

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