Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Bleeding Hearts!!"

April 14, 2012......

Tis that time of the year when we plant the flowers in the garden and this year I have some beautiful bleeding hearts growing in my garden.  I love that flower, it's just beautiful.  Have you ever had your heart in your body feel like it's bleeding for real?  Walking wounded......that's what I call it.  The thing is you can feel like your heart is open wide, needing a surgeon to come and stitch you up, and you look around and everyone else goes on with their lives, could care less if you're walking wounded or not, you better get some ointment, cleanse the wound, grab a couple of bandages and keep it moving.

Today was a beautiful day, the weather was spot on....I took a leap of faith and dabbled in a couple of things, feels real good.

Loving you more than forever, and forever more I'll always love you.......


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