Friday, April 6, 2012

"Now Power!"

"April 5, 2012....."

Today I brought back out a book that I have read a couple of times called "The Power of Now."  What I like about the book is that the author does a good job of having the reader get in touch with his/her inner woman or man in regards to excuses and the past.  The author "Eckhart Tolle" suggests that our minds do a great job analytically creating a false ego that finds comfort in pain and suffering.  I remember when I first read the book I was so uncomfortable because he dared to question religion as I knew it, imparting uncomplicated clarity of ancient spiritual masters with a simple yet profound message that radically changed my view with a heightened awareness spiritually that helped to connect me with the indestructible essence of my inner being, my soul woman.

I remember first reading about the pain body that is connected with my past and how the ego identifies unconsciously with pain and how pain can accumulate and is a negative energy field that will occupy our mind and body because it wants to survive like any other entity in existence that wants to rise up and take you over, pain wants to become us, pain needs it's food from me and it will feed and resonate on any experience that will give it energy in any form; anger, destructiveness, hatred, grief, emotional drama,violence and yes even illness.

I pulled my book out again today because I use that book as a tool, a source of reference, a reminder of what I'm dealing with when I find myself being bogged down with stuff trying to compile upon me, one thing after another, after another.  I use the Power of Now to identify the pain so that I can expose it for what it is and not give my pain any further pain to feed upon.  I find it to be a fascinating process because once the source is identified it makes the transition a lot smoother, my pain-body has had a lot of hurt on so many levels that I can't begin to count nor identify until situations arise and then I can say if a particular pain body is familiar or not because, like I said, some pain will remain dormant until it comes across a negative energy field that it can align itself with and then try to feed upon it and grow in your life.

It's moments like these that I embrace fully to allow for healing and transformation to occur.  I call it my 15 minute rule, my knowing minutes.  I give a situation 15 minutes, to vent it, process it, sit on it, think about it, then I move on to allow a soulution.

If ever there was a time to be a "Walking Woman That Wins" it's now......Walking allows me to take deep breaths, in and out while enjoying the crisp, fresh outdoor weather.  I needed that today.  I got out into the sunshine and started walking, it felt delicious.

I watched a new reality tv show today about Mary Mary and I heard a little of their song "Walking"  I want to share the lyrics of that song with you.


"Tell me what you see when I pass by
A shadow, a cloud, or a line in the sky
Am I getting you wrong or am I getting you right
Well, all I can take is one,
One step at a time
Look at me, I'm trying
Everyday, I fall down
I make mistakes
Get back up
Try again
Next time that you see me
I'm walking, I'm walking, I'm walking
Some people say walking takes too long
But I say with walking you can't go wrong
Why should you rush your way through life
You won't get very far, running all the time
I'm walking, I'm walking, I'm walking
What does my life say about me
Can anyone see
Does it show I rock the greatest
I cant't get back the time I spent
Use the rest of it
To show all the world how I made it
I'm walking, I'm walking, I'm walking!!"

In every crisis, there is a message. Crises are nature's way of forcing change-breaking down old structures, shaking loose those negative habits so that something new and better can take their place.  ~By Susan Taylor

"I can't believe my good fortune, and I am just so grateful, to be a black woman.  A Black American woman.  I would be so jealous if I were anything else."    ~By Maya Angelou

"To be a champion you must believe you are the best.  If you're not, pretend you are."
~By Muhammad Ali

"Unlock Tomorrow-Today"  ~ Lolita Jackson

Loving you more than forever, and forever more I'll always love you......  ~ Lolita Jackson  

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