Monday, April 16, 2012

"Take Control of Your Life Today!!"

April 16, 2012......

We have the ability to make choices in our life, the challenge is in the doing, getting up and deciding that we are important enough, loving enough to say yes to life.  We must intensely be purposeful with our drive to do better when it comes to our health.  We must drive ourselves with an unwavering commitment to be successful in our lives daily.  We can't allow complacency to be the enemy of living our best life now.  If we make the decision to daily do what we know works best for our bodies it will yield the results we desire to achieve.  The key is persistence, passion, and motivation.  Find that thing that motivates you and passionately go in the direction you want to go.  You may not see results right away but every day persistence will grant you the desires of your heart.  You must find what motivates you, and I don't care what it is, whether it's a bird singing outside in the early morning hours or an infomercial.

Like Nike...."Just Do It!!"

"Seize the time"  ~ Bobby Seale



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