Monday, April 9, 2012

"Who Can Find A Virtuous Woman?"

April 8, 2012......

Happy Easter Everyone!!  Today was absolutely beautiful!!!  I just absolutely Love Life, I love being alive, living the best life that I can live, I love putting smiles of people's faces and I Love the skin I'm in.  Everyday I wake up and I literally grab the sheets to see if I am here and I Thank God that I made it to be able to take another breath, it's a miracle that I don't take for granted.  When I lay my head down at night most of the time I am exhausted because I push myself til I am running on fumes, wanting to make sure that I have done the best I can with the day that God has blessed me with.

I did something today that I have never done before, I went to the University of Washington and walked around and enjoyed the cherry blossom trees, they are stunningly beautiful!  My husband has been trying to get me to go for years and every year I have one excuse or another and after going today I couldn't believe that me, Miss Flower Lady just now got up off of my butt and went, but I am so glad that I did.  You should of seen us, we were walking around that campus like teenagers, taking pictures, climbing trees, Yes I Said It, Climbing Trees, (Okay maybe not that high) but we did take pictures in trees, on the ground in the grass, we had so much fun, it was amazing, and I was able to get my walk in without really putting any thought to it.  That's what I am enjoying about my walking, I can get out and walk with purpose and before you know it I have put in a full exercise regimen without thinking about it.  

I was talking to a friend of mine today and we were talking about virtuous women and that reminded me of a passage from the bible that I like.  I remember when I first gave my life to Christ, I would read that scripture and would think about how badly I wanted to be a virtuous woman.  I wanted to be that Lady in the scriptures, she sounded so amazing.....I equated this woman with perfection, she was something to strive for, I imagined her husband having eyes just for her, she seemed like the kind of woman that people looked up to, little kids liked her, especially little girls they adored her, she was respected in the community by everyone this woman was the woman to be.  I have since not given the virtuous woman much thought until today, when my girlfriend brought up the subject of a virtuous woman, I began to think about where I've been in my life, where I am, and where I would like to go, and just how close am I to being that virtuous woman that is described in the bible?

Well, let's just say this woman sounds like the epitome of perfection, which I am a heck of a long way from, yet I can say this, I do put in the effort, yes I have a long way to go, and I know that no one is perfect, not by a long shot but it doesn't hurt to try and be the best woman or man that you can be and to me that is virtuous!!

Virtuous 1. conforming to moral and ethical principles; morally excellent; upright. 

I used to want the words "she tried" on my tombstone.  Now I want the words "She did it!"
~By Katherine Mary Dunham

Love Always,

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