Sunday, April 1, 2012


"April 1, 2012........"

I must start my blog by first apologizing for not blogging for 1 month, the last time you heard from me was on March 1, 2012.  On that day I was rendered incapacitated for reasons I'm unable to disclose, as well, I wasn't prepared for the length of time it would take for me to recover wholly, mind, body and soul.  I took a hit, you've heard that saying, "take a licking and keep on ticking."  My tick, was tocked.  Still waters do run deep, for the last month I've been numb, walking around upside down and as the days would pass by it became easier and easier to settle in to my comfort zone, the place that would have me start something and not finish it, the place that would have me set a resolution and not complete it, bury my head in the sand and say "next year I promise I'll stick to the plan, next year I'll be ready, I couldn't possibly pick the ball up and go from here."

Or, could I?  The answer is a resounding YES!!  My YES takes courage.  I am looking FEAR in the face with a made up mind to continue on the road to recovery wholly, no matter what it takes, no matter how many times I drop the ball, I'll find it and pick it up again.  Who says that I can't?  Oh, wait a minute, I know, it's been me, I've been telling myself a million times that I can't, that I can't change horses in the middle of the stream.  That's the lie I've been listening to and some how I have bought in to that lie when the opposite is what matters, if you are on the horse and he breaks down in the middle of the stream you better get off and get yourself a new one, change horses in the middle of the stream if the horse you're on is the wrong horse!!

Making the decision to get back on my blog today didn't happen because I was waiting for one month to go by, it has happened due to a myriad of circumstances that has led me to face Lolita.  There was no big bang, no lightening came and struck me, nope, just a still quiet voice that said now is the time, turn around, don't go that way, hold on, be patient, don't be a pig returning to vomit.  Yes, Lolita it will take strength, yes Lolita you will need to be courageous, and yes, you will probably be lonely for now but you must adhere to the clarion call on your life, your purpose Lolita.

Today, I have the wonderful opportunity to re-write my story.  I can write it to say whatever I want it to say and to that I say "Give me the Pen and Paper boo boo!!"  This is wonderful to know that if God be for me than who can be against me?  Am I scared?  You bet your sweet little ass I am!!  However; I'm excited.

Toward the light that shines so bright.........

You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold.  That is how important you are!
by Eckhart Tolle

The Audacity of Hope by President Barack Obama

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