Thursday, April 12, 2012


April 11, 2012.......

     This notice goes out to Lolita Jackson, you have been issued a citation by the Supreme Court of the Law of the Universe....Lolita you are hearby notified that if you don't make a U-Turn and take the Road Less Traveled to an awakening of your natural inheritance of peace, prosperity, health, and love. You will be in violation of the "Law of Attraction" and said violation will put you in subjection to "Sickness & Dis-Ease!!"

   You Go Sherri!!!  Wow, did you hear what Sherri Shephard said last night when she was voted off dancing with the stars while she was balling her eyes out?  Sherri said "that thing that scares you the most, that makes you say I don't know if I can do it I'm scared, run towards it because it's so amazing on the other side!!"

I AM THERE RIGHT NOW!!  RUNNING TOWARD FEAR!!  I'm terrified, I have no idea how to do what it is that I want to do.  I'm not really sure of what it is that I want to do.  All I know, is that change has come.  It's time to change everything in my life.  I can't and will not continue down the path that I've been on for as long as I can remember.  Frankly speaking, the path that I call destruction.  I have been my worst enemy, most critical critic, and stinkiest thinker when it comes to Lolita and what she is deserving and worthy of.  I used to think that I was born taking care of other people.  I now realize that my putting others in front of myself and that unyielding desire to be this nauseating, people pleasing puke is learned and will probably be hard as hell to un-learn, rewind and erase the tapes, the words, and the behavior that says as long as it's for someone else it somehow makes it okay to ignore myself and at the same time if I'm so busy putting others' needs, wants and desires before my own, it excuses and absolves me of any and all responsibility where I'm concerned.  It's easier to say I just don't have time to do myself.   Now I don't have a choice.  I take that back, I do have a choice, today I choose to make the right choices concerning my life.  I feel like a kid in a candy store, I can choose what I want, the hard part is putting in the work to get it!!

I have to work at losing 100 pounds.  Yes, I said it......It finally came out of my mouth, I have 100 pounds to lose, now that's scary!!  The first question is how?  How does a person lose 100 pounds?  I know that I must have a plan, right?  So, I do have a plan.....The plan is to put one foot in front of the other and get off my butt and walk, walk, walk, walk, walk.  The next step is nutrition and portion control, then I have to drink lots and lots of water to flush my system out.  I am also going to cleanse my system with some detox tea and hold on for dear life........Next, I must exercise with weight training and resistance.  I know I must sound like a broken record to some of you, I sound like one to myself a little, but I will keep saying it until it finally comes into fruition, until I see it come from out of the spoken word, the unseen, to the "BE" like Jesus, "Light BE" & "Light Is"...................

"It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected."

"Walk in the path designed by rule....."

"On difficult ground keep steadily on the march"

"The consummate Leader cultivates the moral law, and strictly adheres to method and discipline; thus it is in his power to control success."

I bought a fat loss & bmi monitor last night and the results were startling!!  Scared the shit out of me honestly (sorry!!) but it did.  My fat percentage was over 44%, while my bmi levels were over 37%.  I just stood in my bedroom and shook my head, not in disbelief but, I guess I was just numb, just numb.  The calibrator didn't lie, it's up to me to decide what I am going to do about it?  Now that I know, what am I going to do about it?  How can I do anything other than what would be considered a healthy choice?  I can't, right?  I have put myself on notice, it's time for Lolita to make the choice to change.......


Lo Lo 

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