Thursday, May 14, 2015

"When Life Happens.........?"

May 13, 2015

     Life is going to happen.  The question is?  "When Life Happens; What are you going to do?"  Sometimes, things may happen in our lives that will shake us to our core.  That thing, that stuff, that shi*, that hyperventilating, I can't breathe, somebody stop and catch me because I'm falling and when I land I know that I won't be able to get up!

     The next question is?  "What the "F" do you do now?"  What do you do as creators?  You know, the one that insists that we have the to "Power" to "Create."  What in the (H E double hockey sticks) do you do when a cat must have your tongue because it's not moving?  You're stuck, and you can't move, and you can't speak.

     I have to be honest, I'm talking about myself right now.  My world has just be Rocked!  I've been shaken to my core.  I can't stop crying and I'm speechless.  I know what you're thinking and I feel the same way!  "Not me, not Ms. Positive!  Not Ms. call those things that be not as if they were!

     Whoaaaa..........Something just happened in the Spirit!  As soon as I typed the last sentence, I heard in my spirit:


This is hilarious, kinda!  Be clear, there is no part of me that's feeling the whole Ms. call it lady shi*.  Right now I'm feeling like "Ain't Nobody Got Time For That!"  But, however; in all actuality, that's all I BETTER have time for if I want to Affect Change!

What was I thinking?  Death and Life is in the Power of MY Tongue!  Didn't I just say that?  Of course I'm being put to the test today.  What else would the enemy of Truth & Righteousness do?  I won't share what happened today, yet.  But, I will call out the opposite of what happened, I will stand on the promises of God that says I Am the one that can have whatsoever I Say I Can Have.

     I will share with you what happened when I share with you the wonderful and powerful testimony of restoration and glorification!

Take Care,

Thanks for listening and walking me through.  That's what friends are for!

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely!

"People, who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do!"
~ Apple Inc.

"Every well ~ built house started with a definite plan in the form of blueprints."
~ Napoleon Hill

"The one who lacks the courage to start has already finished!"
~ Unknown

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