Thursday, May 7, 2015

"The Lord's Prayer To Lolita"

May 7, 2015

Our Father
Which Art In Heaven
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Will Be Done
On Earth
As It Is In Heaven
Give Us This Day
Our Daily Bread
And Forgive Us Our Debts
As We Forgive Our Debtors
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
But Deliver Us From Evil
For Thine Is The Kingdom
And The Power
And The Glory

"My Dearest Lolita,

I Am Your Father, 
I've Given You Heaven
So That Daily You Can Rest In My Bosom
Lolita My Presence Is With You
I Reside In You My Child 
Yes, My Name Is Holy And Irreverent
So That When You Call Upon Me
It'll Give You The Power & Authority To Move Mountains
Lolita, Use The Keys I Gave You In Heaven
To Reign In Your Garden, Earth
Everyday I Give Thee To Sup and Partake Of Our Glorious Time Together
I See That You're Eating The Manna, The Bread Of Life
 I've Given You With My Word
Use My Word, See What It Will Do For You
Come, Sit, Have Breakfast With Me, My Love 
I Want To Hear Everything That's Going On With You In Your Life
There's Nothing You Can Do That I Won't Forgive You Of
And Lolita, I Rest In Knowing That You're A Forgiver Also
You Know That I Will Never Tempt You
I've Sent You Angels For Your Protection, To Help Lead and Guide You
In All Truth and Righteousness For Your Deliverance and Salvation
Yes, I Am The Kingdom, I Am The Power and I Am The Glory
But Always Remember Lolita
That I've Given You The Keys To The Kingdom
And As My Child 
I Want You To Unlock The Power And Glory Of The Kingdom
To Be My Hands Extended As You Reign As An Heir To My Throne
Forever and Ever.........."

"Lolita I Love You, Your Father Jehovah Jireh"

Love Always,
Your Sister
La La Lolita Lovely

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