Saturday, May 9, 2015

"Open Letter To My Daughter Lolita!"

May 8, 2015

     Good Morning Lolita, how are you doing my love?  I'm writing you this "Open Letter" to tell you how much I Love You and to remind you of how special you are to me.  My inspiration this morning comes from the 23 Psalms:


     "Dear Lolita, as your Father I will always watch over you as a shepherd watches over his flock.  My Love is eternal like infinity it will never stop.  

     Lolita, I'm writing this letter to remind you that you will never want for anything.  I look forward to you calling me everyday, I can't wait to hear the sound of your voice.  

     When was the last time that you visited the vineyards? Or gone to the oceans I gave you and taken a cruise?  Have you gotten around to taking a drive in the countryside to marvel at the breathtakingly beautiful tapestry of landscape that I created just for you so that your soul cries out in awe and wonder as you're standing there speechless?  (I love to see the smile on your face when you do that!)  

     I know sometimes that life may get tough, and it seems as if you're walking through the valley's of the shadows of death but you better believe, trust, and know that I want you to be comforted knowing that I Am here watching over you with my rod and my staff. (And you know that I wouldn't hesitate to use either one of them!)  

     It's hard for me to see that some people choose to be haters and want to align themselves against righteousness as enemies of light.  

     As your Father, you better believe that I'm going to keep blessing you as my heir. Take a seat, sit on your throne as one of the King's Kids at the table of truth and love, forsaking all darkness while I anoint your head with the oil of joy, salvation, and righteousness from my cup that runneth over!  

     Did you see your Angels Goodness and Mercy?  Well, they are there with you appointed to follow you all the days of your life so that you will dwell in our home forever and ever..........!"

I Love You Soooo Much Lolita,

I Can't Wait To See You Again!

Take Care,

Your Dad,


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