Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"Runners Take Your Mark, Get Set, Go!!!"

May 20, 2015

"Runners Take Your Mark, Get Set, Go!"

     Usually when you hear the phrase; "Runners Take Your Mark, Set, Go!" you know there is about to be a race and the runners take off at break neck speed as fast as they can aiming for the yellow tape, the finish line, the checkered flag, wanting to be the first to cross as the winner, the champion.

     That's a great thing, competitive sports calls for a Winner, a Champion, athletes train for years with one focus the medal, the prize that says they are number one!

That's what happens in the game of sports, but in the game of life the race isn't always given to fastest, the swiftest.  In the game of life; "The race is given to the one who endures to the end!" 
     So, my friends, take your mark, put yourself in the starters block, get in position with your goals set, have a plan of action, that requires laser like focus, training and diligence.  Set your pace and go, move forward with the eye of the tiger.

     In life you may not be the first one to cross the finish line, you may even have some objects on your path that may have you stumble and fall but if you stay the course you'll pick yourself back up, dust yourself off and get back in the race.  And if you do fall, do like Les Brown (Mamie Brown's Baby Boy) fall on your back looking up because if you're looking up you can get up and get back on course.

     Your life's race course may look more like the "tortoise and the hare"and we all know how that story ended the tortoise was the "Victor, the Winner, the Champion!"

You too can be victorious in your life!  You too can cross the finish line of success!  You are destined for Greatness!

Get back in the race; "Runners take your mark, Get set, And Go!"

Loving You Alwayz,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but by playing a poor hand well!"
~ Robert Louis Stevenson

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