Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"Do You Really Believe?"

May 19, 2015

Believe:  1. to have confidence in the truth, existence, reliability, or value of something. 

Belief:  1. something believed; opinion; conviction; not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof.

     It's easy for us to say we believe in something, or someone.  It's also fairly easy for us to say that we believe in ourselves.  But what if no one else believed in us?  What if not one person supported your beliefs?  Do you have the courage to be steadfast and keep the faith in order to keep believing?  

     I wonder...........

     What if you didn't get the support you needed or so desperately wanted?   Do you have what it takes to continue?  

     What would you do if you had a product, or was in the business of providing a service?  Or, your business was something that you make with your hands that you know is beautiful, unique, and was one of a kind pieces that you spent months laboring over, and the pains of labor were excruciating to the point that you didn't even know if you could have the baby and there were moments that you thought someone is going to have to come and cut this baby, idea, project or business out of you because you didn't know if you could continue?

     Would you still believe?  Yes you did it, you spent countless hours, day in and day out and finally the day came for you to give birth!  You took your baby, your one of a kind original pieces of couture fashion and originality, you invited the world to come, see,  look your baby, support your baby.

     You DARED GREATLY! You stepped out on faith, put your baby in the window for the world to see everyone said they were excited and said they loved you and the baby and that they would be there for you to support you but; there was one caveat; there was an admission fee for their support, after all, your baby is your business, you can't just give the baby away...... You opened the doors, had a Grand Opening and no one came.  Not one .person supported you in any way whatsoever; What would you do?      

     Do you believe now?  Has your faith been shaken to it's core?  Do you leave the sign up in the window that says "Open" for business?  Or, do you retreat, throw in the towel and give up?

     That's a tough question to ask someone and it's an even tougher question to answer especially if you have experience in this very area.

     If you've been there, done that, and have the tee shirt that says "Believe" have confidence in your truth.

     This very subject of "Belief" and "Believing" in oneself is one I know of first hand.  I know what it's like to step out on faith, bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to take on the world with my business(es) only to have NOT ONE PERSON SUPPORT AND ORDER ONE THING from me.

     I also know what that pain and disappointment feels like.  I know how a person can want to throw in the towel and say forget it.  It's a lonely road.  It's a horrible feeling, probably one of the most devastating feelings in the world!

     That's when your faith has to be like a grain of a mustard seed!  That's when you have to encourage yourself and have confidence in your truth and your existence!

     You have to "Speak" to that Mountain and tell it to Move!  You have to have the belief to believe in yourself and your convictions because you can't count on anyone else but yourself!

Don't Throw The Baby Out With The Bath Water!  

Be assured of your Dreams and Destiny!  


Take Care My Angels!

La La Lolita Lovely

"Neither believe nor reject any thing because any other person, or description of person have rejected or believed it.  Your own reason is the only oracle given you by heaven......"
~ Thomas Jefferson

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