Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"The En grafted Word of God Can Transform!"

May 12, 2015

En grafted:  1. to incorporate of firm in a permanent way.  2. implant.

     I believe that the "En grafted Word of God" has the "Power" to Transform and Save Souls!  I know that we have the ability to create our lives to be what we want them to be we just have to believe it.

The bible says for us;

 "Not to let no corrupt communication proceed out of our mouths, but that which is good to to edifying, that is may minister grace unto the hearer so that we won't grieve the Holy Spirit of God whereby we are sealed unto the day of Redemption."

     We are snared by the words of our own mouths!  It's what we speak out of our own mouths that will bless us or curse us.  If we are speaking corruptly then we can't expect good to come of that.

     On this earth we are governed by many laws.  We have the "Laws of Attraction", the "Law of the Land", & we also have "The Law of the Spirit."

     Spiritual Law gives us Power and Authority on Earth.  We are told to be "Imitators of God!"  We must talk like God talks,

We must consider the words that proceeds out of our mouths and what we speak with our tongues.

 Did you know that "Death & Life" are in the Power of the Tongue?  That's DEEP!

What that means is that we literally have the Power to "Speak Death or Life" with our Tongues!  Look at your surroundings, is it what you want it to be?  If not, speak into existence what you want!  Create! Create! Create!

Be the Architect of your life, design a blueprint for what you want it to look like and start building it with your words............!

     Let us be vigilant, steadfast and willing vessels of all things that are good to the edifying.  Seek ye a pure heart, holy and acceptable so we can do what is pleasing unto the standards of God.

     "None of us are perfect, we can't be, but we can strive for perfection!"

I Love you,

Take Care,

Love Alwayzzz,

La La Lolita Lovely!

"There are times in life when things are not perfect,
when problems seem to surround you, As you look for a way through them,
It's important to keep a positive attitude about your life
and where you are going!
~ Beverly A. Chisley

"Set perfection as your goal and if you fall short,
 you'll be in the company of  greatness!"
~ Lolita Jackson

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