Sunday, May 3, 2015


May 1, 2015

Instinct:  1.  an inborn pattern of activity or tendency to action common to a given biological species.  2. a natural or innate impulse, inclination, or tendency.  3. a natural aptitude or gift: natural intuitive.

     I believe that all of us have been given the ability to instinctively know what's good or bad and right or wrong.  And, when we're prompted by our instincts we must trust our inclinations and act on our natural impulses to lead and guide us to our truth.

     I had surgery yesterday, Thursday, April 30, and I was feeling great afterwards, however; around 1:00 A.M., I was feeling an unnatural pain along with abrasions and bruises at the site of the surgery.  Now my instincts were telling me that what I was experiencing and seeing wasn't natural and that I needed to seek out medical attention immediately, yet; I was also being told that it's fine, let nature take it's course and to go back to sleep...

     I thank God that having instincts is a gift that we must follow irregardless if it's supported by the masses.  That's why all of us have the innate ability to know what's good, bad, right, wrong or indifferent.  Trust your instincts and follow through with the gift God has given you.

It turns out that I was having internal bleeding and that I needed to have another surgery and the surgeon was able to re-open me surgically and stop the hemorrhaging!

I'm home now in recovery and "Thankful for the gift of Instincts!!"

Take Care,

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely 

"If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place!"
~ Lao-tzu

"They didn't weigh every conceivable strand of evidence.  They considered only what could be gathered in a glance.  Their thinking was what the cognitive psychologist "Gerd Gigerenzer" likes to call "fast and frugal."  They simply took a look at the statues and some part of their brain did a series of instant calculations, and before any kind of conscious thought took place, they felt something, just like the sudden prickling of sweat on the palms of the gamblers.... Did they know why they knew?  Not at all.  But they knew."  

"There can be as much value in the blink of an eye as in months of rational analysis."

"In A Nutshell:  "Assessments we make in the blink of an eye can be as good as those we make after much deliberation."


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