Wednesday, May 6, 2015

"Demand Your Day!"

May 6, 2015

     We can't leave our days to chance.  We have the "Power" to make our days be what we want them to be.  Just like God created the "Heavens & Earth" with the "Spoken Word" we too, have the same "Power" & "Authority" to "Speak" our "Daily Desires" into existence!

     We just need to believe that we have the "Authority"and then we need to take the necessary action steps to call those things that be not into existence.  It's as simple as that.  We have to take the controls of our lives out out of the hands of the enemy.  No one has your best interest better than you do.

     When you awake in the morning allow some extra time to be dedicated to what you want to happen for the day.  It really starts with the night before.  Set your alarm to get you out of the bed 15 - 30 minutes earlier than you normally would.  Use that extra time to have a conference call with your "Heavenly Hosts" of "Angels" and "The Good Lord!" and tell them what you want your day to be like.  Put your "Angels" to work for you!  All of us have been given our own "Security" team and we can dispatch them wherever we want them to go and have them do whatever we need them to do, yet; we don't utilize the natural gifts that we've been given.

     You've heard of "Diplomatic Immunity" right?  Well, an "Ambassador" from another Country steps foot on "American" soil, they know that by them having "Diplomatic Immunity" it comes with certain rights and privileges that those of us born in this Country don't have.  We as citizens still have to go through due process when it comes to exercising certain rights.

     As "Heirs" to the "Throne" of the "Most High God" we too have "Diplomatic Immunity" from Satan and his minions.  We are born with these privileges.  We can dispatch, declare and decree into existence what we want and need.  We just have to open our mouths and "Say It!"

     Manage your day, don't let it manage you, and by doing so it cuts out the unnecessary stresses and allows for purpose and productivity with clarity and focus.

The book of Proverbs tells us that "A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth, and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled."  

     Let us fill our mouths with positive purpose.  The book of Job tells us that, "You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; So let your light shine.  

Take "Joel Osteen" as an example, he'll be the first to say that "he is what he's been confessing throughout the years!" 

God's word says that he wakes us up early in the morning and opens our ears to listen as one ready to take orders.

Give your orders and "Demand your Day!

Loving you more that forever;

La La Lolita Lovely 

"Time is our most valuable asset, we tend to waste it, and kill it rather than invest in it!"

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