Thursday, May 21, 2015

"Walking Women Win!"

May 21, 2015

     Walking is a great exercise for the body; but did you know that walking is also good therapy for the mind.  If you find yourself stressed, over worked or burdened, lace up those walking shoes and get out in the fresh air and go for a walk.  

     Walking increases the heart rate and if it's a sunny day walking will expose you to the ultra violet rays of the sun, and with the combination of exposure to the sun, and walking you'll naturally release the chemical called dopamine which is a neurotransmitters that affects movement, emotions and pleasure thereby giving you a natural high! 

     So my friend, walking is pleasurable!  If you're feeling some kind of way; WALK!  

Loving You More Than Forever, 
And Forever More I'll Always Love You!

La La Lolita Lovely! 

"Without ambition no conquests are made,
and no business created.  Ambition is the root
of all achievement!"

"Everyone wants to live at the top of the mountain,
but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're
climbing it!"

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