Saturday, May 30, 2015

I Dare You!

May 29, 2015

      "I Dare You!"

I dare you to love someone even when they don't love you back.

I dare you to follow your dreams even if you're the only one who sees them.

I dare you to fall down and get back up.

I dare you to believe in your self!

 I dare you!"

Take Care

La La Lolita Lovely

Friday, May 29, 2015

"The Lord's Prayer"

May 28, 2015

The Lord's Prayer

"Our Father Which Art In Heaven

Hallowed Be Thy Name

Thy Kingdom Come

The Will Be Done

On Earth As It Is In Heaven

Give Us This Day

Our Daily Bread

And Forgive Us Our Debts

Lead Us Not Into Temptation

But Deliver Us From Evil

For Thine Is The Kingdom

And The Power

Forever And Ever


La La Lolita Lovely

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Living & Loving Life!"

May 27, 2015

     I know, I know, I know!  You're going to say that you can't believe that long winded Lolita is quiet tonight on the blog.

It's true you know why????  I am feeling high on life, it feels good and I want to bask in that!  I'm getting ready to run some hot water in the bath tub and pour some milk bubbles in it and enjoy!

Then, when I get out I'm going to get into my cozy bed with a good book and love on it for about 2 seconds because I know that as tired as I am, I'm going to fall asleep immediately!

Take Care,

Love You,

La La Lolita Lovely


May 26, 2015

Ambition:  1. an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as wealth or fame, and the willingness to strive for it.  2. the object or state desired or sought after.  3. a desire for activity; to seek after earnestly, aspire to.

Ambitious;  1. having ambition: eagerly desirous of achieving or obtaining success, power, wealth, etc;  2. showing or caused by ambition; requiring exceptional effort, ability, etc; strongly desirous, eager.

     Have you asked yourself if you are ambitious?  Do you have ambition?  If so, then you know that a person with ambition is a person that has an earnest desire for achievement or distinction and the willingness to strive for it.

     A person with ambition will awake early in the morning and stay up late at night to achieve their desired goals, that individual will seek earnestly with a willingness to rise above mediocrity.  

     In order to be successful at any of your endeavors you must be ambitious.  Ambitious people are people of distinction that are eagerly desirous of achieving and obtaining success, power and wealth!

     If you want to live an exceptional life, you're going to have to give an exceptional effort!

With warm regards,

La La Lolita Lovely

"The secret of success is consistency of purpose!"
~ Benjamin Disraeli

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

"Thankful Prayer"

May 25, 2015

"Thankful Prayer"

"Father we thank thee for your grace
daily we exalt your holy name.
We lift our hands to thee O' God
with thanksgiving and praise.

We worship you in spirit and in truth
our eyes are set upon thee 
There is no other worthy of our praise.

We thank you for healing us O' God
and for your mercy we honor thee
the giver of life.

We rise early to sing praises as we worship
your holiness.
You are our Father and for that O' God
We say Holy, Holy, Holy Is thy name.

We thank you God, In Jesus' Name We Pray


With Love,

Your Child


Sunday, May 24, 2015

"A Moment of Silence!"

May 24, 2015

"A Moment of Silence!"

     Sometimes, we just need a moment of "Silence!" where it's okay to not have anything to say, think or do!  

     For me, my day and time is today, right now.  I am going to take a bow of silence.

I Love You............

Respectfully Yours,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Here let me wait with patience,
Wait till the night is o'er,
Wait till I see the morning
Break on the golden shore!"
~ ~ Fanny J. Crosby
"Safe In The Arms of Jesus!"

"The Simple Things!"

May 23, 2015

"The Simple Things!"

     I was at home today lying on the bed and I just wasn't feeling my linen.  Yearly, I'll change the linens from one season to the next, out with the winter, in with the spring and eventually summer,year after year.  

     Well, I was lying on the bed today and I just wasn't feeling the linens at all.  So off to the store I go.  I get there and to my surprise the marketers have decided what I was going to put on my bed because EVERYTHING was paisley something or other!  Don't get me wrong, paisley has it's place but I wasn't feeling some of what was going on with the Bold, heavily covered paisley prints.  What I thought would be retail therapy was turning out to be retail let me outta here!

     After much contemplation, thread counting, pillow hunting, micro fibering, six sheet sets verses four and me calling on the name of Jesus for HELP!!!!!  I load up my car and home I go.  

     I couldn't wait to get home to rip them old sheets and comforters off the bed and pull the new ones out of the bags!  I ripped open the bags, pulled out the sheets and commenced to creating a work of art.  Making up my bed was me in creation mode.  I was the "Potter" and my sheets, comforter and pillows were the "Clay!"  

     Therapy 101!  

Ladies & Gentlemen, before me lies my canvas, my bare KING size mattress awaiting a stroke of genius, begging to be adorned with lavish, luscious attire! I put the fitted sheet on (first stroke) with a  soft mauve beautifully striped piece.  Next, (second stroke) I lie atop of it with the flat sheet.  I then pull out the comforter, (third stoke), I have a white comforter with soft grey loose paisley styled designs on it.  I'm feeling in between my fingers a soft, luxurious comforter that looks completely different on the bed than it did in the package. It's beautiful!  The set came with three additional smaller pillows, 2 white and 1 that matches the comforter (fourth stroke).  I put the head rests on the bed (fifth stroke).  I untie a set of soft grey big square pillows as additional accessories for the back drop (sixth stroke).  I put the new King size pillows into the mauve colored pillow cases (seventh stroke) only to realize that I have an additional bonus that included two pillow shams that matched the comforter so I stuff them with the older pillows I already had,(eighth stroke).  One thing was missing, I purchased an accent pillow that is STUNNING!!!! It has a BEAUTIFUL Peacock on the front of it that has it's feathers laced with beads, crystals and needle work!  When you look at her she's giving you attitude! Strutting her stuff like she knows she's Da Truuuuf!  She has rich, vibrant, bold colors that popped the whole bed ensemble with flare and elegance!  She's so radiant that she had to get a name.  Her name is La La.  La La was the (ninth stroke) to my Masterpiece, my work of Art, my Picasso!!!  

     I get finish and all I can think of is; "I can't wait for Stephen to get home so that he can crawl up into these sheets after a hard day of work and melt!" 

     The moment of truth arrives, Stephen is home, I'm like a kid in a candy store.  I'm thinking; "Daddy, Daddy, come see what I did, look what I painted, how does it look, crawl in, tell me how does it FEEL?"

I look at his face and his lips didn't move.  I look at his eyes and they didn't light up and sparkle.  So I say; "Baby, will you reach behind the bed and see if I dropped my bottle of water?"  He moves ALL of the pillows and I'm waiting, thinking "YES!! he'll notice, he has to say something!" 

Notta, Nuttn Honey!!!  Lawwwwd Have Mercy!  In his defense, poor guy was just too tired to notice any dadgum pillows!!  I'll tell you what he said after he wakes up!!

     Was I disappointed, surprisingly I wasn't.  Here's why?  Because I needed that Oxygen!  I needed to have that mask put over my own face first.  I needed the therapy.  I needed to change the linens and I needed to bask in the feeling of sheer blissfulness!  

     This was my crowning moment!  This therapeutic moment was for Lolita.  Sometimes, the little things, the simple things can brings us joy unspeakable.  

Sometimes, just changing the linens may be the therapy you need!

I Love You!

Take Care,
La La Lolita Lovely

    "The mind is indeed restless, Arjuna: it is indeed hard to train.  But by constant practice....the mind in truth can be trained.  When the mind is not in harmony, this divine communion is hard to attain, but the man whose mind is in harmony attains it, if he knows, and if he strives."
~ ~ Lord Krishna, from the Bhagavad Gita  

Friday, May 22, 2015

"Flash Back Friday!"

May 22, 2015

  "Flash Back Friday!"

I am calling today "Flash Back Friday" and I'm sharing some quotes from some of the most admirable "Leaders" in history!

"The greatest happiness is to transform your feelings into actions!"
~ Madame de Stael

"A vivid imagination compels the whole body to obey it!"
~ Aristotle

"Success is directly proportional to effort!"

"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey!"
~ Kenji Miyazawa

"Success is having your best day everyday!"

"Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance."
~ Dr. Samuel Johnson

"The Man Who Has No Imagination has no wings!"
~ ~ Muhammad Ali

"To Dream anything you want to dream, that is the beauty of the human mind.  To do anything that you want to do, that is the strength of the human will.  To trust yourself to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed."
~ Bernard Edmunds

"Our destiny is shaped by our thoughts and our actions.  
We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.

"People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things.  When they believe in themselves, they have the first secret of success."
~ ~ Norman Vincent Peale

"Begin somewhere; you can't build a
reputation on what you intend to do.
~ Liz Smith

"Obstacles will look large or small to you according 
to whether you are large or small."
~ Orison S. Marden

"I have learned that we cannot forget or throw away or past, but we must not let
our past to control us either.  We must learn and grow from our past failures, disappointments, and painful experiences.  Reset our goals and priorities and move forward.  Start today by untying the knots that are limiting you."
~ ~ Ty Howard

Take Care,
Love Always,
Lolita Lovely

Thursday, May 21, 2015

"Walking Women Win!"

May 21, 2015

     Walking is a great exercise for the body; but did you know that walking is also good therapy for the mind.  If you find yourself stressed, over worked or burdened, lace up those walking shoes and get out in the fresh air and go for a walk.  

     Walking increases the heart rate and if it's a sunny day walking will expose you to the ultra violet rays of the sun, and with the combination of exposure to the sun, and walking you'll naturally release the chemical called dopamine which is a neurotransmitters that affects movement, emotions and pleasure thereby giving you a natural high! 

     So my friend, walking is pleasurable!  If you're feeling some kind of way; WALK!  

Loving You More Than Forever, 
And Forever More I'll Always Love You!

La La Lolita Lovely! 

"Without ambition no conquests are made,
and no business created.  Ambition is the root
of all achievement!"

"Everyone wants to live at the top of the mountain,
but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're
climbing it!"

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"Runners Take Your Mark, Get Set, Go!!!"

May 20, 2015

"Runners Take Your Mark, Get Set, Go!"

     Usually when you hear the phrase; "Runners Take Your Mark, Set, Go!" you know there is about to be a race and the runners take off at break neck speed as fast as they can aiming for the yellow tape, the finish line, the checkered flag, wanting to be the first to cross as the winner, the champion.

     That's a great thing, competitive sports calls for a Winner, a Champion, athletes train for years with one focus the medal, the prize that says they are number one!

That's what happens in the game of sports, but in the game of life the race isn't always given to fastest, the swiftest.  In the game of life; "The race is given to the one who endures to the end!" 
     So, my friends, take your mark, put yourself in the starters block, get in position with your goals set, have a plan of action, that requires laser like focus, training and diligence.  Set your pace and go, move forward with the eye of the tiger.

     In life you may not be the first one to cross the finish line, you may even have some objects on your path that may have you stumble and fall but if you stay the course you'll pick yourself back up, dust yourself off and get back in the race.  And if you do fall, do like Les Brown (Mamie Brown's Baby Boy) fall on your back looking up because if you're looking up you can get up and get back on course.

     Your life's race course may look more like the "tortoise and the hare"and we all know how that story ended the tortoise was the "Victor, the Winner, the Champion!"

You too can be victorious in your life!  You too can cross the finish line of success!  You are destined for Greatness!

Get back in the race; "Runners take your mark, Get set, And Go!"

Loving You Alwayz,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but by playing a poor hand well!"
~ Robert Louis Stevenson

"Do You Really Believe?"

May 19, 2015

Believe:  1. to have confidence in the truth, existence, reliability, or value of something. 

Belief:  1. something believed; opinion; conviction; not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof.

     It's easy for us to say we believe in something, or someone.  It's also fairly easy for us to say that we believe in ourselves.  But what if no one else believed in us?  What if not one person supported your beliefs?  Do you have the courage to be steadfast and keep the faith in order to keep believing?  

     I wonder...........

     What if you didn't get the support you needed or so desperately wanted?   Do you have what it takes to continue?  

     What would you do if you had a product, or was in the business of providing a service?  Or, your business was something that you make with your hands that you know is beautiful, unique, and was one of a kind pieces that you spent months laboring over, and the pains of labor were excruciating to the point that you didn't even know if you could have the baby and there were moments that you thought someone is going to have to come and cut this baby, idea, project or business out of you because you didn't know if you could continue?

     Would you still believe?  Yes you did it, you spent countless hours, day in and day out and finally the day came for you to give birth!  You took your baby, your one of a kind original pieces of couture fashion and originality, you invited the world to come, see,  look your baby, support your baby.

     You DARED GREATLY! You stepped out on faith, put your baby in the window for the world to see everyone said they were excited and said they loved you and the baby and that they would be there for you to support you but; there was one caveat; there was an admission fee for their support, after all, your baby is your business, you can't just give the baby away...... You opened the doors, had a Grand Opening and no one came.  Not one .person supported you in any way whatsoever; What would you do?      

     Do you believe now?  Has your faith been shaken to it's core?  Do you leave the sign up in the window that says "Open" for business?  Or, do you retreat, throw in the towel and give up?

     That's a tough question to ask someone and it's an even tougher question to answer especially if you have experience in this very area.

     If you've been there, done that, and have the tee shirt that says "Believe" have confidence in your truth.

     This very subject of "Belief" and "Believing" in oneself is one I know of first hand.  I know what it's like to step out on faith, bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to take on the world with my business(es) only to have NOT ONE PERSON SUPPORT AND ORDER ONE THING from me.

     I also know what that pain and disappointment feels like.  I know how a person can want to throw in the towel and say forget it.  It's a lonely road.  It's a horrible feeling, probably one of the most devastating feelings in the world!

     That's when your faith has to be like a grain of a mustard seed!  That's when you have to encourage yourself and have confidence in your truth and your existence!

     You have to "Speak" to that Mountain and tell it to Move!  You have to have the belief to believe in yourself and your convictions because you can't count on anyone else but yourself!

Don't Throw The Baby Out With The Bath Water!  

Be assured of your Dreams and Destiny!  


Take Care My Angels!

La La Lolita Lovely

"Neither believe nor reject any thing because any other person, or description of person have rejected or believed it.  Your own reason is the only oracle given you by heaven......"
~ Thomas Jefferson

Monday, May 18, 2015

"7 Laws of Wealth!"

May 18, 2015

"7 Laws of Wealth!"

First Law of Wealth:  Wealth begins in the mind but ends in the purse.

Second Law of Wealth:  Decide that you will not be poor.

Third Law of Wealth:  Believe in thyself when no one else will.

Fourth Law of Wealth:  To thine own self be true; find your unique gifts.

Fifth Law of Wealth:  How may I serve thee?

Sixth Law of Wealth:  Thou shalt own thy own business.

Seventh Law of Wealth:  Make thy money grow.

~ by Dennis Kimbro

Love Alwayzz,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Others are quick to point out what you should be, but you're the only person
who can decide what you will be."
~ Dave Steward

"Millionaires understand that they possess innate talents and gifts.  They accentuate their positive strengths and skills.  They refuse to permit what they can't do to interfere with what they can do ~ what they are uniquely gifted to do."

"Don't follow where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail!"
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"F.E.A.R. False Expectations Appearing Real!"

May 17, 2015

"F.E.A.R. False Expectations Appearing Real!"

"There's nothing to fear ~ you're as good as the best,
As strong as the mightiest, too.
You can win in every battle or test;
For there's no one just like you.
There's only one you in the world today;
So nobody else, you see,
Can do your work in as fine a way:
You're the only you there'll be!

There is nothing to fear ~ you can and you will,
For you are the invincible you,
Set your foot on the highest hill~
There's nothing you cannot do.


Take Care,
La La Lolita

Sunday, May 17, 2015

"Think Like A Millionaire!"

May 16, 2015

"Think Like A Millionaire!"

"If you want a thing bad enough
To go out and fight for it,
Work day and night for it,
Give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it
If only desire of it
Makes you quite mad enough
Never to tire of it,
Makes you hold all other things tawdry
and cheap for it
If life seems all empty and useless without it
And all that you scheme and you dream is about it,
If gladly you'll sweat for it,
Fret for it,
Plan for it,
Lose all you terror of God or man for it,
If you'll simply go after that thing that you want,
With all you capacity,
Strength and sagacity
Faith, hope and confidence, stern pertinacity,
If neither cold poverty, famished and gaunt,
Nor sickness nor pain
Of body or brain
Can turn you away from the thing that you want,
If dogged and grim you besiege and beset it,
You'll get it!"

Take Care,

La La Lolita Lovely

Saturday, May 16, 2015

"Motivation for Creation.........."

May 15, 2015

"Motivation for Creation!"

"Open the door and I'll get it myself!"
~ James Brown

"The greatest of evils and the worst of crimes is poverty.  Our first duty, a duty to which every other consideration should be sacrificed, is not to be poor."
~ George Bernard Shaw

"Don't follow where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail!"
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Courage is not absence of fear; it is control of fear, mastery of fear."
~ Mark Twain

"There are a thousand excuses for failure but never a good reason."
~ Mark Twain

"Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him."
~ Aldous Huxley

"Everything you want in life has a price connected to it.  There is a price to pay if you want to make things better, a price to pay for leaving things as they are, a price for everything."
~Harry Browne

"Dare not" is one thing.  "Cannot" is another.  Not everyone can be rich.  But anyone can dare to.  Somebody has to.
~ Felix Dennis, British Publisher and Philanthropist

"It's okay to be a superstar ~ to be the man L.A., but sooner or later you need to start owning things."
~ Magic Johnson to Shaquille O'Neal

Love Always,

La La Lolita

Thursday, May 14, 2015

"The 4 P Principle = Perseverance, Passion & Persistence Prevail"

May 14, 2015
 "The 4 P Principle!"

Principle:  1. an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct.  a fundamental law, axiom, or doctrine.

Perseverance:  1. steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement.

Passion:  1. compelling emotion.  2. strong amorous feeling; love.  

Persistence:  1. the act or fact of persisting. 

Persist:  1. to continue steadily or firmly in some state, purpose, or course of action, in spite of opposition or criticism.  2. to last or endure tenaciously.

Prevail:  1. to be widespread or current; exist generally.  2. to appear or occur as the most important or frequent feature or element; predominate.  3. to be or prove superior in strength, power or influence; succeed; become dominant.  4. to be or prove superior in strength, power, or influence; to use persuasion or inducement successfully.

     The "4 P Principle" is a principle is my "Principle 4 Success!"  I believe that if anyone approaches their endeavors with a steady persistent course of action in spite of any difficulties, obstacles or discouragement you'll overcome and prevail successfully.

The "4 P Principle" is a strategy that can be used in any area of your life.

Remember, apply the Principles of Perseverance, Passion & Persistence and you will Prevail!

Take Care,

Love You Much,

La La Lolita Lovely!

"When a man's willing and eager, God joins in!"
~ Aeschylus

"The mind is indeed restless, Arjuna: it is indeed hard to train. But by constant practice.....the mind in truth can be trained.  When the mind is not in harmony, this divine communion is hard to attain, but the man whose mind is in harmony attains it, if he knows, and if he strives."
~ Lord Krishna, from the Bhagavad Gita

"When Life Happens.........?"

May 13, 2015

     Life is going to happen.  The question is?  "When Life Happens; What are you going to do?"  Sometimes, things may happen in our lives that will shake us to our core.  That thing, that stuff, that shi*, that hyperventilating, I can't breathe, somebody stop and catch me because I'm falling and when I land I know that I won't be able to get up!

     The next question is?  "What the "F" do you do now?"  What do you do as creators?  You know, the one that insists that we have the to "Power" to "Create."  What in the (H E double hockey sticks) do you do when a cat must have your tongue because it's not moving?  You're stuck, and you can't move, and you can't speak.

     I have to be honest, I'm talking about myself right now.  My world has just be Rocked!  I've been shaken to my core.  I can't stop crying and I'm speechless.  I know what you're thinking and I feel the same way!  "Not me, not Ms. Positive!  Not Ms. call those things that be not as if they were!

     Whoaaaa..........Something just happened in the Spirit!  As soon as I typed the last sentence, I heard in my spirit:


This is hilarious, kinda!  Be clear, there is no part of me that's feeling the whole Ms. call it lady shi*.  Right now I'm feeling like "Ain't Nobody Got Time For That!"  But, however; in all actuality, that's all I BETTER have time for if I want to Affect Change!

What was I thinking?  Death and Life is in the Power of MY Tongue!  Didn't I just say that?  Of course I'm being put to the test today.  What else would the enemy of Truth & Righteousness do?  I won't share what happened today, yet.  But, I will call out the opposite of what happened, I will stand on the promises of God that says I Am the one that can have whatsoever I Say I Can Have.

     I will share with you what happened when I share with you the wonderful and powerful testimony of restoration and glorification!

Take Care,

Thanks for listening and walking me through.  That's what friends are for!

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely!

"People, who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do!"
~ Apple Inc.

"Every well ~ built house started with a definite plan in the form of blueprints."
~ Napoleon Hill

"The one who lacks the courage to start has already finished!"
~ Unknown

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"The En grafted Word of God Can Transform!"

May 12, 2015

En grafted:  1. to incorporate of firm in a permanent way.  2. implant.

     I believe that the "En grafted Word of God" has the "Power" to Transform and Save Souls!  I know that we have the ability to create our lives to be what we want them to be we just have to believe it.

The bible says for us;

 "Not to let no corrupt communication proceed out of our mouths, but that which is good to to edifying, that is may minister grace unto the hearer so that we won't grieve the Holy Spirit of God whereby we are sealed unto the day of Redemption."

     We are snared by the words of our own mouths!  It's what we speak out of our own mouths that will bless us or curse us.  If we are speaking corruptly then we can't expect good to come of that.

     On this earth we are governed by many laws.  We have the "Laws of Attraction", the "Law of the Land", & we also have "The Law of the Spirit."

     Spiritual Law gives us Power and Authority on Earth.  We are told to be "Imitators of God!"  We must talk like God talks,

We must consider the words that proceeds out of our mouths and what we speak with our tongues.

 Did you know that "Death & Life" are in the Power of the Tongue?  That's DEEP!

What that means is that we literally have the Power to "Speak Death or Life" with our Tongues!  Look at your surroundings, is it what you want it to be?  If not, speak into existence what you want!  Create! Create! Create!

Be the Architect of your life, design a blueprint for what you want it to look like and start building it with your words............!

     Let us be vigilant, steadfast and willing vessels of all things that are good to the edifying.  Seek ye a pure heart, holy and acceptable so we can do what is pleasing unto the standards of God.

     "None of us are perfect, we can't be, but we can strive for perfection!"

I Love you,

Take Care,

Love Alwayzzz,

La La Lolita Lovely!

"There are times in life when things are not perfect,
when problems seem to surround you, As you look for a way through them,
It's important to keep a positive attitude about your life
and where you are going!
~ Beverly A. Chisley

"Set perfection as your goal and if you fall short,
 you'll be in the company of  greatness!"
~ Lolita Jackson

Monday, May 11, 2015


May 11, 2015

     Sometimes, life calls for us to just be still and know.  

Sometimes, we must just keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep the faith.  

Sometimes, we just know that we know and we feel the fear and do it anyway.  

Sometimes, all God wants from us is to have the faith of a mustard seed.  

Sometimes, all we need to do is show action.  

Sometimes we just need to be still and know!

Take Care,

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Choose 2 B Happy!"

May 9, 2015

Happy:  1. delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing.  2. characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment, or joy.  

Happy-go-lucky:  1. trusting cheerfully to luck; happily unworried or unconcerned.

     Happiness is a choice.  Choose Happy!

"Happiness consists in activity; such is the constitution of our nature; it is a running stream, and not a stagnant pool."
~ John M. Good

"We either make ourselves happy or miserable.  The amount of work
is the same!" 
~ Carlos Castaneda

"Happiness is a form of courage."  ~ Holbrook Jackson

"The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes,
but in liking what one does."
~ James M. Barrie

"Happiness, Hope, and Destiny; these are things
that the knowledgeable cannot comprehend."
~ Unknown

"It's not about how he made you cry, it's about how
he made you smile again."
~ Unknown

"Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies
in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort."
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness
and just be happy."
~ Unknown

"My pursuit of happiness found rest and peace, 
when I found joy in me falling in love with me!"
~ Lolita Jackson

Love You,

La La Lolita Lovely!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

"Happy Mother's Day!

May 10, 2015

     Today is Mother's Day and I want to say hello to All Mother's, may you have a Blessed & Beautiful Day today!

Take Care,

Love Alwayz,

La La Lolita Lovely!

"The future is purchased by what you
do in the present!"
~Elbert Hubbard

Saturday, May 9, 2015

"Open Letter To My Daughter Lolita!"

May 8, 2015

     Good Morning Lolita, how are you doing my love?  I'm writing you this "Open Letter" to tell you how much I Love You and to remind you of how special you are to me.  My inspiration this morning comes from the 23 Psalms:


     "Dear Lolita, as your Father I will always watch over you as a shepherd watches over his flock.  My Love is eternal like infinity it will never stop.  

     Lolita, I'm writing this letter to remind you that you will never want for anything.  I look forward to you calling me everyday, I can't wait to hear the sound of your voice.  

     When was the last time that you visited the vineyards? Or gone to the oceans I gave you and taken a cruise?  Have you gotten around to taking a drive in the countryside to marvel at the breathtakingly beautiful tapestry of landscape that I created just for you so that your soul cries out in awe and wonder as you're standing there speechless?  (I love to see the smile on your face when you do that!)  

     I know sometimes that life may get tough, and it seems as if you're walking through the valley's of the shadows of death but you better believe, trust, and know that I want you to be comforted knowing that I Am here watching over you with my rod and my staff. (And you know that I wouldn't hesitate to use either one of them!)  

     It's hard for me to see that some people choose to be haters and want to align themselves against righteousness as enemies of light.  

     As your Father, you better believe that I'm going to keep blessing you as my heir. Take a seat, sit on your throne as one of the King's Kids at the table of truth and love, forsaking all darkness while I anoint your head with the oil of joy, salvation, and righteousness from my cup that runneth over!  

     Did you see your Angels Goodness and Mercy?  Well, they are there with you appointed to follow you all the days of your life so that you will dwell in our home forever and ever..........!"

I Love You Soooo Much Lolita,

I Can't Wait To See You Again!

Take Care,

Your Dad,


Thursday, May 7, 2015

"The Lord's Prayer To Lolita"

May 7, 2015

Our Father
Which Art In Heaven
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Will Be Done
On Earth
As It Is In Heaven
Give Us This Day
Our Daily Bread
And Forgive Us Our Debts
As We Forgive Our Debtors
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
But Deliver Us From Evil
For Thine Is The Kingdom
And The Power
And The Glory

"My Dearest Lolita,

I Am Your Father, 
I've Given You Heaven
So That Daily You Can Rest In My Bosom
Lolita My Presence Is With You
I Reside In You My Child 
Yes, My Name Is Holy And Irreverent
So That When You Call Upon Me
It'll Give You The Power & Authority To Move Mountains
Lolita, Use The Keys I Gave You In Heaven
To Reign In Your Garden, Earth
Everyday I Give Thee To Sup and Partake Of Our Glorious Time Together
I See That You're Eating The Manna, The Bread Of Life
 I've Given You With My Word
Use My Word, See What It Will Do For You
Come, Sit, Have Breakfast With Me, My Love 
I Want To Hear Everything That's Going On With You In Your Life
There's Nothing You Can Do That I Won't Forgive You Of
And Lolita, I Rest In Knowing That You're A Forgiver Also
You Know That I Will Never Tempt You
I've Sent You Angels For Your Protection, To Help Lead and Guide You
In All Truth and Righteousness For Your Deliverance and Salvation
Yes, I Am The Kingdom, I Am The Power and I Am The Glory
But Always Remember Lolita
That I've Given You The Keys To The Kingdom
And As My Child 
I Want You To Unlock The Power And Glory Of The Kingdom
To Be My Hands Extended As You Reign As An Heir To My Throne
Forever and Ever.........."

"Lolita I Love You, Your Father Jehovah Jireh"

Love Always,
Your Sister
La La Lolita Lovely

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

"Demand Your Day!"

May 6, 2015

     We can't leave our days to chance.  We have the "Power" to make our days be what we want them to be.  Just like God created the "Heavens & Earth" with the "Spoken Word" we too, have the same "Power" & "Authority" to "Speak" our "Daily Desires" into existence!

     We just need to believe that we have the "Authority"and then we need to take the necessary action steps to call those things that be not into existence.  It's as simple as that.  We have to take the controls of our lives out out of the hands of the enemy.  No one has your best interest better than you do.

     When you awake in the morning allow some extra time to be dedicated to what you want to happen for the day.  It really starts with the night before.  Set your alarm to get you out of the bed 15 - 30 minutes earlier than you normally would.  Use that extra time to have a conference call with your "Heavenly Hosts" of "Angels" and "The Good Lord!" and tell them what you want your day to be like.  Put your "Angels" to work for you!  All of us have been given our own "Security" team and we can dispatch them wherever we want them to go and have them do whatever we need them to do, yet; we don't utilize the natural gifts that we've been given.

     You've heard of "Diplomatic Immunity" right?  Well, an "Ambassador" from another Country steps foot on "American" soil, they know that by them having "Diplomatic Immunity" it comes with certain rights and privileges that those of us born in this Country don't have.  We as citizens still have to go through due process when it comes to exercising certain rights.

     As "Heirs" to the "Throne" of the "Most High God" we too have "Diplomatic Immunity" from Satan and his minions.  We are born with these privileges.  We can dispatch, declare and decree into existence what we want and need.  We just have to open our mouths and "Say It!"

     Manage your day, don't let it manage you, and by doing so it cuts out the unnecessary stresses and allows for purpose and productivity with clarity and focus.

The book of Proverbs tells us that "A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth, and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled."  

     Let us fill our mouths with positive purpose.  The book of Job tells us that, "You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; So let your light shine.  

Take "Joel Osteen" as an example, he'll be the first to say that "he is what he's been confessing throughout the years!" 

God's word says that he wakes us up early in the morning and opens our ears to listen as one ready to take orders.

Give your orders and "Demand your Day!

Loving you more that forever;

La La Lolita Lovely 

"Time is our most valuable asset, we tend to waste it, and kill it rather than invest in it!"

"To Judge or Not To Judge?"

May 5, 2015

Judge:  1. a person appointed to decide in a competition, contest, or matter at issue.  2. a person qualified to pass critical judgment.  3.  to form a judgment or opinion of;  decide  or settle authoritatively; adjudge.  4. to infer, think, or hold as an opinion;  to make a careful guess about; opinion; estimate.

Judgment:  1. an act or instance of judging.  2. the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively or wisely, esp. in matters affecting action; good sense; discernment.  3. the demonstration or exercise of such capacity.  4. the forming of an opinion, estimate, notion, or conclusion, as from circumstances presented to the mind.  5.  a misfortune regarded as inflicted by divine sentence, as for sin.

     I know that the first scripture that a person uses when defending themselves from persecution, ridicule, and judgment from other people is; "Judge not, that ye be not judged....."  It's an easy verse to quote, and quite frankly it's safe.

     When using the words, "Judge not" it tends to make a person feel as if it gives them absolution  from guilt, perceptions, ridiculing and the judgment being cast upon them.

     If you think about it and put it in perspective it's a constant revolution of much of the same either way.

     The bottom line is until we walk in the shoes of another human being or take the time to talk to a person, we don't have a clue what it's like to be that person, nor do we know what we would do if we were in the other persons shoes.

     Until then, my recommendation is that we Love our Brothers and our Sisters and if it's that bad then we're also doing what we're called to do by standing in the gap and praying for them to repent, and turn from their so-called wicked ways.

And if that be the case then I also recommend that we have the wine on ice, and get ready for the Party because they will be returning to a fatted calf that's been killed like the "Prodigal Son" and you know that it's going to be a " Gala!"

Take Care My Angels!

Continue To Let Your Light Shine,

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely!!

"A wise person speaks carefully and with truth, for every word that passes between one's teeth is meant for something."
~ Moleti Kete Asanti

"Imagine what a harmonious world it could be if every single person, both young and old, shared a little of what he is good at doing!"
~ Quincy Jones

"God makes three requests of his children; Do the best you can,
where you are, with what you have, now!"
~African American Folklore

"I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.  I don't do things half-heartedly.  Because if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results."
~Michael Jordan

Monday, May 4, 2015

"Self Love?!"

May 4, 2015

     I had to follow the title of "Self Love"with a question mark and an exclamation mark!  Now I know that's not grammatically correct but here's why I had to do that........!!!!

     I'm asking myself the question "Do I Love Myself, Lolita" enough to get me over, under, around, and through anything that life puts in my path even if I have to stand alone?  That's the hard part, being alone.  Can I stand the test of time "Alone?"

     As well; I'm making the statement exclaiming that "I Must Love Myself, Lolita" enough to get me over, under, around and through anything that life puts in my path even if I have to stand alone!

     Sometimes "WE" have to be enough for ourselves even if we find that we're standing alone.

Be your own "Reinforcement" and "Encouragement!"

Find ways to "Uplift" and "Empower" yourselves!  Get in front of that mirror, look yourselves in the eyes and tell yourselves that "I Can Do All Things Through Christ Which Strengthens Me!"  

I Want You To Say:

"I Am Somebody!"  *  "I Am A Money Magnate!"  *  "I Am Beautiful!"  *  "I Am Kind!"  *   

"I Am Positive!"  *  "I Am A Creator Of All Things!"  *  "I Think Positively!"  *

*  "I Am Light!"  *  "I Am Peace!"  *  "I Am Love!"  *  

"I Am That I Am!!"

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely!

"A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled!"
~ Proverbs 18:20

"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life!"
~ Proverbs 4:23

"You will make your prayers to him, He will hear you, And you will pay your vows.  You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways!!"
~Job 22:27-28

Sunday, May 3, 2015


May 3, 2015

Serendipity:  1. an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident, good fortune; luck.

      I used to think my whole life was Serendipitous.  I now know that it's not serendipity at all, it's like Santiago in the Alchemist, it's all meant to be.

The bible says that God has ordered our steps and that God knew the end from the beginning and if we believe that to be the truth then we know that serendipity has nothing to do with it.  It's no accident, good fortune or luck.  We are Blessed and Highly Favored and what happens in life is meant to be.

It's what we do with our so-called misfortunes or set backs that sets us apart to be victorious or defeated.  I believe that we all have the ability to Fail Forward.  If you're going to fall, fall on your back looking up so that you can get up, that's Les Brown's philosophy and it's mine too.

Know that God has a plan, we should have a plan and we should be working the plan that we were destined to have and be in our lives in order for us to reach our maximum potential for greatness and success.  It's not over until it's over.  Don't have a defeated mentality.  Believe in yourself, go out and make the best out of your life and with the Gift that God has given you to be a human being on this earth created in God's image and likeness.

No other creatures can do what we can do.  Make the most of your life.  Be all that you can be.  Life is Good.  God is Good!

Loving you Deeply,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved!"
~William Jennings Bryan

"Beauty for Ashes!"

May 2, 2015

Beauty for Ashes!

(Isaiah 61:1-12)     

     "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.  To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn.  To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them "Beauty for Ashes," the Oil of Joy for mourning, the "Garment of Praise" for the "Spirit of Heaviness," that they might be called "Trees of Righteousness," the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.  And, they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.  And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the alien shall be your plowmen and your vine dressers.  But ye shall be named the "Priests of the Lord," men shall call you the "Ministers of our God," ye shall eat the "Riches of the Gentiles," and in their glory shall ye boast yourselves.  For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion; therefore in their land they shall possess the double everlasting joy shall be unto them.  For "I the Lord Love judgment," I hate robbery for burnt offering; and I will direct their work in truth and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.  And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people; all that see them shall acknowledge them, that" they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed."  I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, "my soul shall be joyful in my God," for he hath Clothed me with the "Garments of Salvation," he hath Covered me with the "Robe of Righteousness," as a Bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a Bride adorneth herself with her jewels.  For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to Spring Forth; so the Lord God will cause Righteousness and Praise to Spring Forth Before All The Nations!"

I Am Not going to preach today, however; 

     "I Thank God that he has given me "Beauty for Ashes!"  The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and I'm anointed to preach good tidings unto the meek. I answer my call, my assignment to the brokenhearted, the captives and those that are imprisoned and bound with a resounding "Yes, Lord!"  I will Comfort and give "Beauty for Ashes!" And Joy for all those that mourn.  Heavenly Father I Thank You for the "Oil of Joy" that you hath given us when we mourn and I rest in you by offering up my "Garment of Praise" when my Spirit is heavy, knowing that I am rooted and grounded in you as a "Tree of Righteousness" for your Glory!"  O' God, I Thank You today as I'm comforted knowing that you have taken the old, desolate waste land of our past and given us restoration for generations to come!  /We are your Ministers and we do eat of the Riches of the Gentiles.  We Thank Thee Today O' God for the "Doubling of our Portions! and the confusion they shall have as you Bless Us, O' God.  We Thank You for our Joy, we Thank You for Clothing us with the "Garments of Salvation" and for Covering us with "Robes of Righteousness!"  We stand before Thee O' God, Adorned and Decked with our Jewels as your Brides and Ornaments as your Bridegrooms ready to "Spring Forth with Righteousness and Praise Before All The Naitons!!"

In The Name of Jehovah Jireh our Provider, we lift our hands and we open our mouths and say Yes To the Call and Thank You Lord,  Amen!

Loving You Eternally,

La La Lolita Lovely


May 1, 2015

Instinct:  1.  an inborn pattern of activity or tendency to action common to a given biological species.  2. a natural or innate impulse, inclination, or tendency.  3. a natural aptitude or gift: natural intuitive.

     I believe that all of us have been given the ability to instinctively know what's good or bad and right or wrong.  And, when we're prompted by our instincts we must trust our inclinations and act on our natural impulses to lead and guide us to our truth.

     I had surgery yesterday, Thursday, April 30, and I was feeling great afterwards, however; around 1:00 A.M., I was feeling an unnatural pain along with abrasions and bruises at the site of the surgery.  Now my instincts were telling me that what I was experiencing and seeing wasn't natural and that I needed to seek out medical attention immediately, yet; I was also being told that it's fine, let nature take it's course and to go back to sleep...

     I thank God that having instincts is a gift that we must follow irregardless if it's supported by the masses.  That's why all of us have the innate ability to know what's good, bad, right, wrong or indifferent.  Trust your instincts and follow through with the gift God has given you.

It turns out that I was having internal bleeding and that I needed to have another surgery and the surgeon was able to re-open me surgically and stop the hemorrhaging!

I'm home now in recovery and "Thankful for the gift of Instincts!!"

Take Care,

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely 

"If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place!"
~ Lao-tzu

"They didn't weigh every conceivable strand of evidence.  They considered only what could be gathered in a glance.  Their thinking was what the cognitive psychologist "Gerd Gigerenzer" likes to call "fast and frugal."  They simply took a look at the statues and some part of their brain did a series of instant calculations, and before any kind of conscious thought took place, they felt something, just like the sudden prickling of sweat on the palms of the gamblers.... Did they know why they knew?  Not at all.  But they knew."  

"There can be as much value in the blink of an eye as in months of rational analysis."

"In A Nutshell:  "Assessments we make in the blink of an eye can be as good as those we make after much deliberation."
