Thursday, June 11, 2015

"Power of Two......."

June 4, 2015

"Power of Two!"

"For where two or more are gathered together in my name, touching and agreeing on anything that they shall ask; there I am in the midst of them!"  
~ Matthew 18:20

We all know that there's "Power" in prayer, but did you know that you can move a "Mountain" when you touch and agree with another person?

     I have witnessed the miracles that come with standing in agreement with another person.  I believe that everyone needs to have that one person in their lives that they can call upon to stand in the gap for them on their behalf.  Someone that you know has a mega phone that reaches God's ears.  If you don't, please find one and watch how miracles will start happening in your life.

You need to pray about it and find that one person that believes in you, and will support you.

     Your person must be able to STAND for you.  Your person must trust you and what you are believing God for even if they don't understand they must trust you.

The key thing to remember is that the word says; "touching and agreeing" that's what you need, a toucher and an agreeer! (Smile) I know, that's not grammatically correct!  I just want you to get what I'm saying and understand the magnitude of it.  It's major!

I have such a person in my life. I know that this person has that mega phone that reaches God.  I can call morning, noon or night and know that she'll drop everything, including her knees and will agree with me, on my behalf and we sit back and wait on God to be God, to do what God does, and that's giving his children whatever it is that's their hearts desire.

I challenge you to find your partner and team up so that you too can experience and enjoy the
"Power of Two!"

Take Care My Beloved!

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Whatever reason you had for not being somebody, there's somebody who
had that same problem and overcame it."
~ Barbara Reynolds

"Nobody can dim the light which shines from within!"
~ Maya Angelou

"A wise person speaks carefully and with truth, for every word
that passes between one's teeth is meant for something!"
~ Moleti Kete Asanti

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