Tuesday, June 9, 2015


June 3, 2015

Decisions:  1.  the act or process of deciding.  2. the act of making up one's mind, something that is decided; resolution, firmness.

Decide:  1.  to solve or conclude.  2.  to determine or settle; persuade or convince.

     Sometimes, making a decision can be the hardest thing in the world for a person to do.  In order to make a decision it calls for a person to make up their mind with a resounding firmness.

My father used to always say to me, "Make a decision, and stick to the decision that you make!"  No matter what you want to do in life, you have to first make a decision and then stick to the decision that you make.

Be determined when it comes to making your decision.  A double minded person is unstable in ALL their ways.  Don't be that person, come to the conclusion that you're convinced of where you want to go and you've decided what you need to do to get from point A, to point B.  Have a plan, and stick to the plan.  Be the person with a made up mind!

Take Care,

Love Alwayzz,

La La Lolita Lovely

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten!"  ~ Moms Mabley

"Let All Things Be Done Decently And In Order!"   ~ I Corinthians 14:40

"There does not have to be powerlessness.  The Power Is Within Ourselves!"  ~ Faye Wattleton

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