Friday, June 5, 2015


June 2, 2015

Commit:  1. to give in trust or charge; consign.  2. to consign for preservation; to declare as having a certain opinion or position.  3, to bind or obligate, as by pledge or assurance.  4. to assign or allot for a certain purpose; to do; perform; perpetrate.

Commitment:  1. the act of committing.  2. the state of being committed.  3. pledging, engaging oneself.  4. a pledge or promise; engagement; 


      On January 1, of 2015, I set a goal to blog everyday of this year 2015, of these United States of this Beautiful Country called America!

     Saying you're going to do something and actually doing it are two different things!  For me to make that kind of declaration has meant that I'm going to commit an un-wavering pledge of dedication and focus. In order for me to live up to such a commitment  has required an astounding level of concentration.  There are days that things will go wrong and will throw you off course and balance but you can't let anything get in your way that will keep you from fulfilling the goal that you have committed to.  After awhile you know that you're obligated to live up to the promise that you've made with yourself.

     My pledge to blog 365 times in one year has definitely brought me out of my comfort zone by keeping me focused and engaged with laser commitment..  I'm obligated to carry out the task of showing what a "Walking Woman That Wins" looks like.  It's not always easy, sometimes it down right frustrating enough to make you break down in tears and cry, especially when your computer breaks down, or your service is temporarily disrupted and you find yourself going back to the old school way of communicating by writing in a journal and then having to take the time to now log in your back log of entries until you're caught up!

A full commitment has meant that at times I'm up until 3:00 in the morning logging and blogging to get the job done!

     That's what it takes to commit to something wholeheartedly!  It takes a binding pledge of assurance that you've promised to carry out the task at hand no matter what road blocks may be put in your path

.  A full commitment means you'll find a way to go around, over and through the barriers of your comfort zone in order to experience the joy of a "Fulfilled Promised Purpose!"

Take Care,

Love Alwayzzzzzzzzz,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Living is easy with eyes closed,
misunderstanding all you see!"
~John Lennon

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