Thursday, June 11, 2015

"Power of Two......."

June 4, 2015

"Power of Two!"

"For where two or more are gathered together in my name, touching and agreeing on anything that they shall ask; there I am in the midst of them!"  
~ Matthew 18:20

We all know that there's "Power" in prayer, but did you know that you can move a "Mountain" when you touch and agree with another person?

     I have witnessed the miracles that come with standing in agreement with another person.  I believe that everyone needs to have that one person in their lives that they can call upon to stand in the gap for them on their behalf.  Someone that you know has a mega phone that reaches God's ears.  If you don't, please find one and watch how miracles will start happening in your life.

You need to pray about it and find that one person that believes in you, and will support you.

     Your person must be able to STAND for you.  Your person must trust you and what you are believing God for even if they don't understand they must trust you.

The key thing to remember is that the word says; "touching and agreeing" that's what you need, a toucher and an agreeer! (Smile) I know, that's not grammatically correct!  I just want you to get what I'm saying and understand the magnitude of it.  It's major!

I have such a person in my life. I know that this person has that mega phone that reaches God.  I can call morning, noon or night and know that she'll drop everything, including her knees and will agree with me, on my behalf and we sit back and wait on God to be God, to do what God does, and that's giving his children whatever it is that's their hearts desire.

I challenge you to find your partner and team up so that you too can experience and enjoy the
"Power of Two!"

Take Care My Beloved!

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Whatever reason you had for not being somebody, there's somebody who
had that same problem and overcame it."
~ Barbara Reynolds

"Nobody can dim the light which shines from within!"
~ Maya Angelou

"A wise person speaks carefully and with truth, for every word
that passes between one's teeth is meant for something!"
~ Moleti Kete Asanti

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


June 3, 2015

Decisions:  1.  the act or process of deciding.  2. the act of making up one's mind, something that is decided; resolution, firmness.

Decide:  1.  to solve or conclude.  2.  to determine or settle; persuade or convince.

     Sometimes, making a decision can be the hardest thing in the world for a person to do.  In order to make a decision it calls for a person to make up their mind with a resounding firmness.

My father used to always say to me, "Make a decision, and stick to the decision that you make!"  No matter what you want to do in life, you have to first make a decision and then stick to the decision that you make.

Be determined when it comes to making your decision.  A double minded person is unstable in ALL their ways.  Don't be that person, come to the conclusion that you're convinced of where you want to go and you've decided what you need to do to get from point A, to point B.  Have a plan, and stick to the plan.  Be the person with a made up mind!

Take Care,

Love Alwayzz,

La La Lolita Lovely

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten!"  ~ Moms Mabley

"Let All Things Be Done Decently And In Order!"   ~ I Corinthians 14:40

"There does not have to be powerlessness.  The Power Is Within Ourselves!"  ~ Faye Wattleton

Friday, June 5, 2015


June 2, 2015

Commit:  1. to give in trust or charge; consign.  2. to consign for preservation; to declare as having a certain opinion or position.  3, to bind or obligate, as by pledge or assurance.  4. to assign or allot for a certain purpose; to do; perform; perpetrate.

Commitment:  1. the act of committing.  2. the state of being committed.  3. pledging, engaging oneself.  4. a pledge or promise; engagement; 


      On January 1, of 2015, I set a goal to blog everyday of this year 2015, of these United States of this Beautiful Country called America!

     Saying you're going to do something and actually doing it are two different things!  For me to make that kind of declaration has meant that I'm going to commit an un-wavering pledge of dedication and focus. In order for me to live up to such a commitment  has required an astounding level of concentration.  There are days that things will go wrong and will throw you off course and balance but you can't let anything get in your way that will keep you from fulfilling the goal that you have committed to.  After awhile you know that you're obligated to live up to the promise that you've made with yourself.

     My pledge to blog 365 times in one year has definitely brought me out of my comfort zone by keeping me focused and engaged with laser commitment..  I'm obligated to carry out the task of showing what a "Walking Woman That Wins" looks like.  It's not always easy, sometimes it down right frustrating enough to make you break down in tears and cry, especially when your computer breaks down, or your service is temporarily disrupted and you find yourself going back to the old school way of communicating by writing in a journal and then having to take the time to now log in your back log of entries until you're caught up!

A full commitment has meant that at times I'm up until 3:00 in the morning logging and blogging to get the job done!

     That's what it takes to commit to something wholeheartedly!  It takes a binding pledge of assurance that you've promised to carry out the task at hand no matter what road blocks may be put in your path

.  A full commitment means you'll find a way to go around, over and through the barriers of your comfort zone in order to experience the joy of a "Fulfilled Promised Purpose!"

Take Care,

Love Alwayzzzzzzzzz,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Living is easy with eyes closed,
misunderstanding all you see!"
~John Lennon

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

"Cleaning House!"

June 1, 2015

Lately, I've been in clean mode.  I've found myself wanting to get rid of the old in order to usher in the new and for me that means everything.  As I've been cleaning my home, my domicile, the place where I eat and sleep and have social gatherings.

I started thinking about my spiritual house, my temple, my body and how much cleaning does my body need?

In addition to how much, I've been thinking about how do I go about cleaning my body, my temple?

In order to do a spiritual house cleaning I know that I am going to have to put my flesh under subjection and obedience and that's going to require discipline and patience.  A spiritual house cleaning for me is spending time with the word of God in prayer and mediation for guidance and clarity.

I know that this cleansing will allow me to get rid of the mercury poisoning in my body; also; I know that I will shed some of this sluggish, stubborn weight!                                                                                                                                                                  
I believe this cleansing will allow for a breakthrough.  I'm ready.  I'll keep you informed and will give an update as to how I'll be doing.                                                                                                                        

Take Care,

Love Alwayzz,

La La Lolita Lovely

Monday, June 1, 2015

"Laugh With Lolita!"

May 31, 2015

"Laughing With Lolita!

"When a woman says what,
it's not because she didn't hear you,
it's because she's giving you a chance
to change your mind!"

"I really need a day between
Saturday & Sunday."

"When people tell me you're gonna regret
that in the morning, I sleep in until noon because
I'm a problem solver."

"My get up and go got up and went. If you see it, will
you remind it that it left without me?"  Thanks!

"I hate it when the voices in my head go silent........ I never
know what they are planning!"

"My bed is a magical place where I suddenly remember
everything I was supposed to do!"

"I'm not clumsy.  It's just the floor hates me, the tables
and chairs are bullies, & the wall gets in the way!"

"Heck, yes, I'm short.  God only lets things grow until
they're PERFECT.  Some of us didn't take as long as others."

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Technical Difficulties!"

May 30, 2015

"Technical Difficulties!"

     Living in the age of technology in 2015 I've found that we've become more and more dependent on computers, fax machines, copiers, etc., and because of that when they go out and we don't have access to them weve become lost and unable to move forward, we find ourselves stuck.

     Well, that's what happened to me, for the last couple of days my computer was down along with wi-fi, television, cable, you name it, I was out, down for the count!  Not to mention I was lost without it!  I was going through withdrawals not knowing if I was going to make it........

     Then it dawned on me that it was all for a reason.  I needed the down time.  I needed the peace that came along with it as long as I didn't fight it.  When I relaxed and accepted what I couldn't change, I gained the courage to accept what I could and that meant I could change my attitude about it.

     I immersed myself into home projects that were needed and I now have a bedroom that's rearranged and my entire weekend consisted of re-doing some old looks and welcomed in some new!

     So, if you find yourselves having some technical difficulties, look for the silver lining and change what you can about your situation and I guarantee you that you'll feel better about the outcome!

Take Care,

Love Alwayzzz,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Success seems to be connected with action.
Successful men keep moving; they make mistakes, but they
do not quit."
~ Conrad Hilton

"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you!"

"Failing to plan is planning to fail!"
~Effie Jones