Sunday, January 6, 2013

"Separation is in the Preparation!!"

January 6, 2013.....

                                          "Separation is in the Preparation"

     I heard a statement today from Russell Wilson, the rookie quarter back for the Seattle Seahawks.  Russell talked about not having a lot of moments in life but when you do get that moment that you've been dreaming of you must be prepared, ready to take the stage.

     Sometimes, we have to separate ourselves from others, from the noise, the outside influences that try to creep in and become distractions.  It's during those times that we have to make the most of, that we have to get the work done, during the separation, the times that can tend to be a little lonely even but you know that you're being prepared for game day, for your moment, regardless of what that moment is, you just have to get ready.

     For me, my moment of truth will be when I go to the doctor and he comes back with the best results that I could prepare myself for.  That's my game day, that's the stage I am looking forward to stepping on and looking at the results that says my liver is in good condition, my cholesterol is normal, I have no cancer tumors, in fact I am indeed in the best physical shape I can be in for my age, shoot, I want the test results to come back and say that I have the physical health of someone half my age!!

     Russell also said to focus on execution and not to shy away from greatness.  He said that the one who can ignore the noise is the one that will come out on top.  Every play counts, every snap matters, we must excel and focus with the precision of a laser beam.

     In order to be a "Walking Woman that Wins" we have to get in the game and play.  It doesn't matter what the weather is like, every day is game day, do what you need to do in order to win the game.  Set your goals and start taking the steps necessary to win.

"The Law of Intention and Desire"  #5

"Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for it's fulfillment.....intention and desire in the field of pure potentiality have infinite organizing power.  And when we introduce an intention in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, we put this infinite organizing power to work for us."  ~ By Deepak Chopra

"The Law of Least Effort"

"January 5, 2013......"

     I read a lot of motivational books and listen to a lot of motivational speakers and one of the books that I've picked back up and have been re-reading with intent and purpose is "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" by Deepak Chopra

     I find myself being drawn to law number four:  "The Law of Least Effort"  In it he says that "Nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease..... with carefreeness, harmony, and love.  And when we harness the forces of harmony, joy, and love, we create success and good fortune with effortless ease."

Point, Blank, Period!!!


Saturday, January 5, 2013


"January 4, 2013........."   

Trust (N) 1. Confident expectation of something; hope.  2. Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc; of a person or thing; confidence.

     I am trusting in my spirit that God has his hands holding me up, guiding me in the paths of all truth and righteousness.  I feel that so much so that I find myself not stressing about the who, what, when, where, why and how's.  I am not getting caught up on the end of the thing because that has kept me from getting through day to day activities.  Sometimes putting so much thought into what the outcome of a thing is going to be it keeps you stagnate and often times you find yourself not moving and getting a single thing accomplished by letting the smallest little thing become a deter-ant 

     For example, what I want to wear to go out and take a walk, or not having my i-pod, or not having my water bottle, my hair isn't looking right, so on and so fourth, when, in actuality, I just need to walk and stop allowing these sort of excuses to get the best of me.  I must say that I am not in that place today  I realize those are just excuses.  It's like Wayne Dyer says, "excuses begone!!"

I am feeling pretty good about letting go and letting God........

Today I stretched really good, my body is still aching and very sore......

"An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie."   ~ By Alexander Pope

Thursday, January 3, 2013

"Serenity Prayer"

January 3, 2013.....

   "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to accept the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

   There comes a time in our lives when we have to make peace from within, when we have to make decisions and stick by the decisions that we make and in doing so we must at the same time do so with courage and know that we have exercised wisdom, knowledge and understanding to the best of our abilities. 

    Today my body was aching all over, my back was hurting me and wouldn't you know it, the minute I have made a decision where my health is concerned my body is trying to take a turn for the worse.  I am today able to just smile and know that just because I may have a little set back, it doesn't mean that I am going to give up.

   While I was in the bed today resting my body from the aches and pains I was experiencing, I did do what I could do which was stretch, it was just a little bit of a stretch, not much at all but I did just stretch my arms and legs. 

   I received confirmation about the importance of keeping a journal of what foods I am eating and why?

Onward and Upward!!  

~ "Health is the first and greatest of all blessings" ~   By Lord Chesterfeld

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"Inch by Inch is a Cinch"

January 2, 2013.......... 

I know I said I jumped, which I did, however; I have also decided to take this new year one step at a time.  I heard the phrase "inch by inch is a cinch" earlier today and that lil phrase resonated with me.  Sometimes it just doesn't pay to move so fast that you don't even slow down enough to smell the roses, see the scenery, read the sign posts along the sides of the roads.  I am going to do what I can when it comes to my health this year, I am already making small choices of change that I know little by little will amount to significant results as time passes by.  For example, I had a bowl of cereal that I knew had a little bit of sugar already included and so instead of me adding two teaspoons to the bowl I added one teaspoon to the bowl.  Now I will admit that as I was doing that I thought to myself, "why?" Lolita do you need the sugar?  Didn't have an answer, just knew that I just did it, no rhyme or reason, but I did say to myself that it's here, right here that I need to start paying closer attention to, these little mindless, unnecessary decisions that I make when it comes to my eating.  I also know that I am an emotional eater so as of today I've decided to start keeping a journal of what I eat and the times that I eat, what I'm thinking or not?  What just happened in my life that caused me to start stuffing away my problems, or what has me so elated that I want to celebrate my victories with food.  I am hoping that by doing so I will have data that will result in manifested change in a positive, healthy way. 

Today I did not walk but I did lift my 3lb. bells and I stretched.  I feel good about that. 

I talked with someone who told me that they don't make "New Year's Resolutions" and I gladly said, "I do all the time!!"  well, as the words were coming out of my mouth I also started thinking about why do I?  Especially because I don't seem to ever keep them........  Um....  I reckon I don't have the answer to that, I just know that I am am such an optimist, I just believe that sooner or later my resolutions have to manifest with a little discipline and a little work.

"Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create that fact."  ~ William James ~

Take Care,

"Lo Lo Love"

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"I Don't Know......"

January 1, 2013.......   "I Don't Know!!"

That's the way I feel right now.  You may be saying, well, what don't you know? or Why don't you know? or How is that you don't know?  The answer is "I just don't know!!"   All I do know is..... I started 2012 with big dreams and plans of how I was gonna go about the year and what it was gonna be like and how I was gonna be a "Walking Woman That Wins!  I was gonna blog every single day and by doing so it was gonna keep me accountable.  Posting my weight and measurements for the world to see was somehow gonna make me adhere to a regimen that required consistency, dedication and by osmosis I guess I was gonna find the motivation that has been missing in my life for years.  I wouldn't dare let the words of my mouth, the speaking of my tongue, and the typing of my fingers keep me from fulfilling the desires of my heart and the out right necessity of my health for my life. 

I would be strong, invincible, I am Woman Hear Me Roar!! 



Again, I climbed the mountain, stood at the edge of the cliff and jumped!!!  Yep, I jumped right in!!  Now that's the part that I'm really not sure of what happened?   Did I jump in head first?  Feet first?  Did I stretch my arms out wide like an eagle and just fly right off the cliff beautifully, you know, picture perfect, gliding side to side without a care in the world, not caring about what was at the bottom because I was an eagle, I'd swoop down, pick up what I needed fur sustenance and would fly back up arms stretched wide and if it was a storm I'd get even stronger and fly up above it.  If I missed a day, so what, I would just come back the next day and get it in. 



It turns out it didn't happen that way, somehow, somewhere after I jumped, I let the turbulence of life get in my way.  Somewhere I took off my mask, I lost oxygen and the cabin pressures of life got the best of me and I got off course, lost my way with my healthy life plan.  My "Healthy is the new Sexxxy mantra!!"   I stopped being a "Walking Woman That Wins." not only did I stop walking, I came to a freaking crawl!! 

"Errrrrrk!!!"   "Screeeech!!"  "Crash!!"  "Boom Boom!!"

So, that brings me to January 1, 2013....I ask myself How Lo?  When Lo?  How Lo?  How?  The answer is  

"I don't know how?"     "I just don't know????"

This is what I do know........  I was at the edge again, looking over and I had a decision to make, do I jump again?  Or????  What????  What do I do??

Yep!!!  You Guessed It!!!

I jumped!!!!  LMAO.....Yep, I have jumped again!!   

It's 2013, I Thank God I have lived to see it, I got out of my house and at midnight bringing in the New Year I was out walking in the brisk, cold night air loving every minute of it!!!   I don't have all the answers, I couldn't tell you how? What? When? or Where?  But I do KNOW WHY???

Healthy is the new SEXXXY!!  I am determined to live a Healthy, Sexxxy Life!!!  That's all I think about, dream about and know I must be about.  Again, I will speak it, write it, type it, walk it, until I be what I feel deep inside the core of my very existence, my soul, my spirit, the essence of who I am must be healthy and strong!!   The Lioness in me will have it no other way!! 

And Yes........

I Am Lolita, A Walking Woman That's Winning....Hear me Roar!!!

"Amid the turmoil and tumult of battle, there may be seeming disorder and yet no real disorder at all; amid confusion and chaos, your array may be without head or tail, yet it will be proof against defeat."
~ Sun Tzu ~

"Simulated disorder postulates perfect discipline; simulated fear postulates courage; simulated weakness postulates strength."  ~ Sun Tzu ~

"La La Lolita"