Friday, July 10, 2015

"To Dream or Not To Dream?"

July 7, 2015

"To Dream or Not To Dream?"

Dreams:  1. a succession of images, thoughts or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.  
2.  a particular sequence of such images, thoughts, or feelings; an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake.  3. daydream or reverie; an aspiration, goal, aim, a wild or vain fancy.  4. something unreal or striking beauty, charm, or excellence, to conceive of something in a very remote way, to imagine as possible, fancy, conceive; to form in the imagination.

Dreamer:  1. a person who has bold or highly speculative ideas or plans; visionary.

     How old are you?  Should that matter if you're a dreamer?  When should a person abandon their dreams?  When is dreaming unrealistic, a mere fantasy of the imagination?  Should age be a factor when determining whether your dreams are obtainable or not?

I believe the questions are valid and definitely worth entertaining when it comes to having dreams and aspirations in your life.  A person would definitely have to be realistic as to whether their dreams are just a mere fantasy, or if they can become an attainable goal that can be reached with aim and focus.

If there is a burning desire in your spirit that keeps you awake at night and your soul won't rest until you grease your squeaky wheels, then I say that you have to go for it and it's not too late!

Don't let the F.alse, E.xpectations, that A.ppear R.eal (F.E.A.R.) get in your way and keep you stuck.

Live your life to the fullest and go for your dreams.  What ever it is that you aspire to do and be, you can do it!  Let the bold, highly speculative ideas of your imagination lift you above mediocrity.  Be a person of excellence.  If your mind can conceive it, you can achieve it!  All things are possible to them that believe!

You are a Visionary!  You see things that others don't see.  God has put greatness inside of you!  Today is your day!

Take Care,

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Never test the depth of the river with both feet!"
~Warren Buffett

"The point of living is to believe the best is yet to come."
~Peter Ustinov

"Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes; find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human!

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