Sunday, July 5, 2015

"The Little Engine That Could!"

July 4, 2015

"The Little Engine That Could!"

I know, I know! Ha Ha Ha Ha..........  You're probably thinking what in the world are you talking about Lolita?  What can you tell me about that book that I haven't heard before?

The answer is nothing!  Most people have read the story more times than they care to admit, but for some of us like myself, I can't get enough of the book and the story line!  I love to read the story to my grandsons and in anticipation of their arrival to grandma's house later this month for summer vacation I pulled out some of the books I have for us to read together and wouldn't you know it, up popped "The Little Engine That Could!"  As I was reading it, it made me think about what the book was saying from a different perspective......

The story starts off with a happy little choo choo train that was full of toys, dolls and food that was to be delivered to some kids in need on the other side of the mountain.  The little train was full of excitement in anticipation of the joy that was going to be given to the recipients of his items until the train started to have problems making it up the hill.  He couldn't go any further, he was going to need some help.

It made me think about life, sometimes we start out on a journey, a mission full of excitement and anticipation with the intention to do good for others and in return that makes us feel good within ourselves.  We start out strong, without a care in the world because we are givers, we want to make other people happy, then we run into a bump in the road just like the little train, you're stalled in need of some help.  For some it may just take a pair of jumper cables to help you move forward.  For others it may take someone to get out a tow rope to pull you forward, or maybe, just maybe you may need a tow, you may need to get hoisted up on the back of another vehicle, or need someone to put you on their back and literally carry you on to your destination so that you can get to the other side of the mountain!

The little engine found that not everyone that came along the tracks were as happy to help him get to the other side of the mountain.  One train came by that was "Shiny" glistening, you know a show boat, a train that could be seen from miles away from the outside, but lacked on the inside, wouldn't dare be caught trying to help someone else.  Then came another train, a strong train, you know that kind of train, it had power, a tough exterior, but lacked on the inside, it too kept going.  Then came the "Little Blue Engine!"  Not too "Shiny" not too "Strong & Mighty" just a little engine that didn't have much from the outside, yet his heart had character that couldn't be seen but it was "Strong, Shiny & Mighty!"  That engine hitched the little choo choo and All the toys, dolls and food and Talked his way up and over the mountain!  He told himself that he "think he can" he "think he can" until he did!

It's not always the ones that look the look from the outside or that talk a good game with the strong powerful voice that has it on the inside.  That's why we can't judge a book by it's cover.

We never know who God will send our way to be our "Little Engine That Could" to help us get to the other side of the mountain.

My prayer today is for me to be "The Little Engine That Could!" to help someone else get to the other side of the Mountain!


"I Think I Can, I Think I Can!!

Take Care,

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lovely

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