Tuesday, November 11, 2014

"Choosing Life!!"

November 10, 2014

     (Deuteronomy 30:19)  I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.....KJV  

     (Deuteronomy 30:19)  I call Heaven and Earth to witness against you today.  I place before you Life and Death, Blessing and Curses.  Choose life so that you and your children will live.  And love God, your God, listening obediently to him, firmly embracing him.  Oh yes, he is life itself, a long life settled on the soil that God, your God, promised to give your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob....(Message Bible)

     I chose this scripture to share because the words of this scripture rang out loud as a bell in my spirit seven (7) days ago.  I knew that God has been speaking to me about my health, particularly about what it takes to have a healthy body, and how my body functions.  What nutrients do I need to live a long and prosperous life?  What role does food have in my life when it comes to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, lethargy and depression?  I knew in my spirit that the Lord was speaking to me but what was also weighing on me just as heavily was the how?  How would I be able to address this demon that has wreaked havoc on me and toyed around with me for decades?  Where would I get the strength to say yes to life completely because saying no wasn't working for me.  I knew that food was as much of a culprit to the demise of my health as drugs or alcohol or any other negative disease causing entity would be that could destroy the body but I still didn't have the strength to say no to unhealthy foods, fats, sugars and junk so I could turn the other cheek.  As much as I was saying no, and as often as I said no (which was daily insanity) it didn't matter, it wasn't until I accepted that saying no would never work, it's just the opposite that would attract the healthy, strong, disease free body that I have been wanting for decades.

I finally got it!  Saying NO was causing resistance, pain and struggles, but when I said YES to life completely and let go of the negative emotions I was holding on to it allowed positive energy to began to flow in and through me.  

The lights came on and the resounding sound of that bell was loud and clear.  The bell even came with a comforter, someone that would explain the science of unhealthy eating and what food does to the cells and how fats and sugars do have cancer causing properties that when eaten with certain animal proteins our cells will go crazy in our bodies and cause cancer, heart disease, diabetes and even depression.  I just said wow, food can cause depression?  I knew at that moment that my treatment for cancer would take more than chemo, and radiation.  My next treatment would be with nutrients.  I know that for me, Lolita, the foods I eat must be alive and full of nutrients that feed my cells with antioxidants and phyto-nutrients.  I know that God gave me another chance to get this thing right.  It took having cancer three (3) times for me to finally get it.

I have always read the books, and drank the healthy Kool-Aid in theory, it's now that I'm ready as a student that I can drink the Kool-Aid and enjoy the taste of a healthy lifestyle by walking the walk and for that I am eternally thankful that the teacher appeared!!

~There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one you in all time, this expression is unique.  And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.
       ~Martha Graham


Monday, June 9, 2014

"Walking Through The Valley of the Shadow of Death"

June 9, 2014

     I know, the title sounds a bit morbid, kind of cryptic.  That's how my body is feeling right now.  Today is the beginning of my fifth week of radiation and I am going toe to toe in the ring with my treatments.  Last Monday I went into my radiologists office and told him I quit!  I was through with how my body is feeling.  The fatigue and utter exhaustion, not to mention all the other undesirables (skin burning, turning colors, chest pains, headaches, dizziness, mouth swelling, irritation, and red lesions on the inside of my mouth along with periodic inability to swallow). 

     That being said, and this being my third time getting back in the ring with the whole cancer, radiation and chemo, I've made the decision to keep putting one foot in front of the other and with God's help get through this. 

     I just came in the house from taking a walk down to the end of the driveway, crawled up the stairs and decided to sit in front of my lap top to try and log what I'm feeling.  Part of me feels like I'm literally fighting to stay alive with every breath, every minute, I'm constantly thinking about how precious life is and how bad I want to be here to give my life another chance to make good on some of the bad.

   The scripture says:

     "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures,
he leadeth me beside the still waters.
  He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of
righteousness for his name's sake.
  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow
of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod
and thy staff they comfort me.
  Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of
mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup
runneth over.
  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the
days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
for ever."

"There is in this world no such force as the force of a man or woman
determined to rise.  The human soul cannot be permanently chained."
~W. E. B. Dubois,  Educator and Scholar

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress!"
~Frederick Douglas, Abolitionist

Sunday, May 18, 2014


May 18, 2014

     I want to speak to the importance of rest, and how vital getting sufficient, adequate rest can be to the well being of the mind, body and spirit.  It's 1:40 AM and only God knows how tired I am right now!  I'm so tired that as I was hitting the keys to write how tired I am, my hand got stuck and held down the w, and even though I nodded, for some reason I can't sleep.

     The human body needs a minimum of eight hours of sleep.  When the body doesn't get the proper amount of rest, it may show in other areas of our lives and it will have a negative impact on our day and we wouldn't even know to attribute our lack of adequate hours of sleep to a short temper, not being able to do your best on a test, or even taking the time to work out or go for a walk because we didn't have adequate sleep.

     Charles Czeisler, a sleep researcher at Harvard Medical School in Boston found that they have the "first direct experimental evidence at the molecular level" as to why we need sleep?  "The study showed that the brain has different functional states when asleep and when awake."  Our brains have two types of cells, the neurons that send signals to the brain and the glials that have cleaning channels around the neurons that keeps the cells healthy by washing away the toxic proteins and removing them from the brains circulatory system with a special, unique, clear fluid called cerebrospinal fluid that's transferred to the general circulatory system so that the liver can flush the toxins.

     Not having sufficient sleep will open us up to major health problems, such as:

* Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Heart Failure, Irregular Heartbeat
* Diabetes
* Stroke
* High Blood Pressure

     When we have a lack of sleep we may subject ourselves to depression, accidents, low sex drive, irritability, forgetfulness, rapid aging skin, and weight gain.

     As I'm going through radiation and chemotherapy, I've been asking myself the tough questions (Who?, What?, When?, Where? and Why?) in all areas of my health.  I am opening myself up to explore every avenue that the Holy Spirit puts on my heart.  I don't know that I would of ever put too much thought into my sleeplessness.  I would of eventually have fallen asleep, only to wake up the same day a little later to my detriment of a day.  By asking the tough questions, I've found that I needed to do some research and study the subject of sleep.  (Who'd of Thunk, Smile!)
     I see that I indeed my have a sleep disorder, I've learned that if you snore for long periods of time and in certain ways that indeed one may need to contact a sleep center and go get yourself checked out by a professional.  Not having good sleep throughout the night can and does attribute to weight gain or loss.  For someone like myself who's been battling my weight and health for years this kind of information has been most informative and clearly has been the prompting of the Holy Spirit that says in:

     Proverbs 4:4-8 "Let thine heart retain my words: keep my commandments, and live. Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee. Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding!"

     I had a yard sale yesterday, as it's 4:29 AM and I'm not asleep yet from yesterday. While I'm looking into sleep, the pros and cons, I've discovered some natural solutions to getting a good night's sleep that may be helpful: (Always Consult Your Doctor Before Taking Any Remedy)

* Sleepytime Tea
* Organic Pure Concentrated Tart Cherry Juice
* Hot Bubble Bath w/Lavender Oil Drops
* L-Theanine

     I had a beautiful day yesterday as far as me shifting my thoughts and aligning my actions to being healthy eating properly, as well as stretching and getting on my elliptical bike.  I had put my stationary bike out for sale, and my elliptical, after I cleaned it up and of course I had to try it out, I again had to ask myself the tough question?  Lolita, is there any dollar amount worth you selling a machine that's valued at $3500-$6500 brand new (the computer doesn't work)?  Can you put a price on your health?  I had to ask myself the same question when it came to me trying to put a price on my stationary bike.

The answer is NO!!  My health is not for sale.  The Blessed Days God has given me left on this earth are NOT FOR SALE!!.............The Power of Choice!!

I got on my bike and my elliptical and worked out my own salvation before the Lord! 

     "Loving You More Than Forever, Lolita
and Forever More, I'll always Love You!!"
~By Lolita to Lolita

"Some of us seem to accept the fatalist position, the fatalist
attitude, that the Creator accorded to us a certain position and
condition, and therefore there is no need trying to be otherwise."
~Marcus Garvey

"No one need fear death. We need fear only that we
may die without having known our greatest power."
~Norman Cousins

Friday, May 16, 2014


May 15, 2014

     Radiation, n. 1. the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and absorbed by another body.  2. the act or process of radiating.  3. something that is radiated.

     Radiate, v. 1. to extend, spread, or move like rays or radii from a center.  2. to emit rays, as of light or heat; irradiate.  6. (of persons) to project (joy, goodwill, etc.)

     Today was day three of my receiving treatment for my third battle with breast cancer.  I started my radiation treatments on Tuesday, May 13, 2014.  When I was diagnosed with cancer for the third time I seriously thought that my heart was going to stop beating.  I was numb and in a state of shock for at least a week or two, but for some reason, deep down inside the core of my soul, I remember thinking that I wasn't surprised.  I remember thinking that I had disappointed myself and those that loved me and supported me the last couple of times that I went through cancer.  I thought about the pill that my oncologist wanted me to take once a day for the next five years and how I didn't take the pill because I was afraid of the side effects, the joint pain and misery that I was afraid of experiencing on a daily basis for FIVE whole years.  I didn't want to have to live another day in pain.
     My thought was I wanted to live the best life I could with the time I had left, pain free and to the fullest.  Yet somehow, two years had passed and now, October of 2013, I was being diagnosed with cancer again and I had nothing to show for my not taking the pill.  I wasn't living this beautiful, fantastic life.  I wasn't making my list and checking it twice, in fact, I didn't even have a bucket list.  I can't even say that in the last two years that I've gotten into my car and have taken a drive to the Washington or Oregon Coast, places that I love the most, places that make me feel alive, beautiful and delicious!
     I hadn't lost one pound, I have even gained more weight in the last couple of years than I ever have in life.  My nutrition, (well, what nutrition?)  I didn't write the book I said I wanted to write, I didn't sing the song I wanted to sing.  I don't have the business that I wanted to have.  I felt horrible.  I had to hear that I had cancer again for the third time, and as miserable as that may have felt and truly is, I now have to make the decision as to what am I going to do about it?
     If I lost the battle the last couple of times, what in the world was I going to do now?  How am I going to do it?  Damn It!!
     HOW CAN I BE A WALKING WOMAN THAT WINS?  I know, I'll bury myself with busyness.  I'll run in the name of projects.  I'll give them cute fancy titles, invite the community and have a gala!  I'll mask the pain of my heart under my pseudo name: "Martha!"
      Jesus said in Luke 10:41, "Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things, but one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be take away from her." 
     You see, Mary, Martha's sister chose to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to his word.  Mary sat to receive wisdom and in all her getting, she got understanding.  While, on the other hand Martha was so busy scurrying around that she was missing her blessing.  Martha had the living word in the flesh right before her and yet she didn't recognize that the word had become flesh!
     I believe that my diagnosis was Jesus saying to me: "Lolita, Lolita, you are careful and troubled about many things, but one thing is needful, Wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding."
     I am so Blessed to have been given a third chance to sit at the feet of Jesus to HEAR his word and let his word become flesh in my spirit and soul.  I know that the wisdom of God would have me take hold of my temple, my body and have it be the best representation of what God created it to be both inside and out!
     Yes, I started radiation to eradicate the cancer that was in my body for the third time and I'm slowly but surely taking the steps necessary to have my life and temple be a reflection of radiant health and wellness!
     Am I tired?  You bet, yet I stretched yesterday and did a few simple exercises to help prepare my body for what was coming the following day, which was today.  After I came home from radiation treatment, I put my aloe vera gel on the area of my skin that received treatment and took a nap.  Afterwards, I stretched a little and then I went for a walk down my favorite hill that has a view that is breathtaking!  I must admit that it felt soooo good and delicious to feel my body move, even though the steps I was taking were very small, methodical steps.  My knees wanted to know what in the heck was I doing?  I had to tell them, "knees:"


     I may be having radiation treatment to eradicate cancer from my body, and at the same time I am taking my pill daily and I radiate with the joy of the Lord as my strength from the inside out!

     Today, I did Lolita......

"That which you feel yourself to be you are, and you are given that which you are.  So assume the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of your wish, and your wish must be realized.....So live in the feeling of being the one you want to be and that you shall be."

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

"Unlock Tomorrow, Today!"

May 13, 2014

    Today was a tough day!  I did a couple of things today that didn't come easy, however; I had to do that which was very difficult for me today.  In doing so, it allowed me to come from a place of No and step therefore into my Yes!

     I started radiation therapy today, I've been putting off my therapy since I was diagnosed with cancer for the third time back in October of 2013.  I know that in order for me to be a Walking Woman that Wins, I must start with my core.  I must start from the inside, and work my way out.  I could no longer stay true to myself and keep putting my health on hold, on the back burner, continuing day after day as if my life, my very existence wasn't at stake.  I could give you a thousand reasons as to why it was sooo important for me to be every where, doing everything but working on my treatments.  I could tell you about this project and that project, I could talk about this committee and that committee, but the truth is, it doesn't matter.  My truth knows that the busier I am, the more things I put on my plate, the longer it takes for the treatments, I wouldn't have to face the part of why I may be in this predicament in the first place.  Why am I over weight by 100 pounds?  Why don't I work out?  Why? Why? Why?

Yep, here I am again, looking at myself in the mirror and making the choice to choose my life today.  I'm tired of running away from myself, not doing the hard work, not working on what's really going on with Lolita.  By saying yes to Lolita, I had to say No to some other areas in my life that kept me busy and focused on everything and everybody but myself and my health.  It's tough for me to work a selfish program.  It's tough for me to do me without really thinking that I'm being selfish and self centered, but the truth is if I don't do that for once in my life, I may not be here at all.  I HAVE To Say Yes To The Best, Lolita!

God put before us life and death, I have decided that I am going to choose life!

"I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live."
~Deuteronomy 30:19

"Don't follow where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Loving You More Than Forever,
and Forever More I'll Always Love You!"
~Lolita Jackson

Friday, April 25, 2014


April 25, 2014

Wow, this is amazing!  My blog site is cooperating.  I'm so excited that I just want to click "publish" right now just to make sure that I'm not imagining things.  It's been a long time, in fact it's been too long.  So much has happened since I last posted. I just want to share a few words, just to let you know that yes, Lolita is back in saddle and it feels sooo good to be here.  I Love It!

I'll be back tomorrow to talk about being a walking woman that wins!

With Love,


Yours Truly,

Lolita, your walking woman that wins!

"The happiest people in the world are those who have 
a hard time recalling their worries, and an easy time
remembering their blessings!"
~ Alin Austin