Saturday, March 26, 2016


March 26, 2016

Perseverance:  1. steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragements.  

Persistent:  1. persisting stubbornly; insistent.  2. lasting or enduring tenaciously.  3. constantly repeated, continued permanently; remaining attached beyond the usual time.  

Tenacious:  1. holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold.  2. highly retentive, persistent, stubborn or obstinate.  4. adhesive or sticky; holding together, cohesive; tough.

Goodmorning everybody!  As I was sitting here preparing my thoughts and spirit to write, I knew that I was going to speak to perseverance because that word has been in my spirit for a little over a week now but I didn't know just how REAL my very own words were going to have to be adhered to by me as my OWN testimony to living by, especially NOW, TODAY!  

I was prepared to sit down and just write and talk about setting goals and sticking to the goals you set with perseverance, being steady in a course of action with dogged determination and purpose in spite of your difficulties, obstacles or discouragements.  That sounds good, right?  We can do that, right?  Absolutely we can but what do we do when we're hit with a real discouragement?  

What do we do when a real obstacle is before us like finding out moments ago that your online merchant account, your online retail business is shut down!  

You, as of this very moment that you're about to give your motivational pep talk to tell the world, yes you can persevere, yes you can move past any and all obstacles, yes you can get off the couch and from in front of the television and put that remote control down and go out into the elements and get some fresh air and walk!  Yes ladies and gentleman when you find out that you can no longer get your money, and your baby, your lofty dreams, desires, ambitions of being an online retail mogul, giant, is not available for service and on top of that customer service is closed for the weekend so you're left in limbo as to what's happening with your business? 

Can you still stay focused enough to see past the current state of affairs to remain steadfast with dogged determination as you feel like your head is being held under water not being able to breathe because this situation is now causing major difficulties?   Do we have the dogged determination to move forward at a steady pace by staying on course or do we allow a setback to sideline?  

I think not, in fact, I know not!  We take our setbacks and use them as our comebacks!  We find the lessons to be learned in any and all situations of what to do?  Or, what not to do?  Keep it moving with persistence by remaining attached beyond the usual time.  Tenacity is key!  Keep a firm hold by being stubbornly persistent like an adhesive, hold on, stick wth it. Don't give up and Persevere!  You can do it!

Love Alwayzz,

Lo Lo from P.O / Lolita Mamacita

"Each of us should make the most of our lives.
We should give life our best, let us use our lives
more wisely to chase our dreams, 
find our true purpose, and be as happy
and successful as possible!"
~Malcolm X.