Sunday, September 23, 2012


September 23, 2012.........

Yes, it's me, Lolita, the Walking Woman that Wins!!!  And, that's right I did say "Lolita, the Walking Woman that Wins!!!"  I am the one that jumped off the cliff at the beginning of the year and have been suspended in mid-air since.  It hasn't been pretty, in fact, it's been pretty ugly, so much so that I wish I had at least blogged about it, but I'm not going to cry over spilled milk.

So, it's 3:45 a.m., I haven't had any sleep, I've been up all night with a restless spirit.  Sir Stephen, my youngest child moved out of the house two days ago into his college dorm apartment at the University of Washington campus.  I've cried so much that I don't think there's any tears left inside of me, which brings me to this blogging that I'm doing right now.

I don't know How?  I don't know What?  I don't know Who?  I don't know Where?  All I know is When and that's NOW!!!

The time has come. The time has come for everything. That is what my spirit is telling me.  I get one last shot at this game called life.  I have the ball and it's my turn to get off the bench and check into the game.  I have been sitting on the sidelines long enough.  I miss Sir Stephen soooo much that it hurts, but like that ol saying goes, "it hurts so good".  As a mother that has always put his wants, wishes and dreams above any and everything, allowing him to be on that campus, surrounded by other college students, enjoying college life is rewarding in and of itself, I just have to figure out How I am going to "Do Lolita?" My plate is full. I just don't know where to start.

Wait a minute!!!...... This is where I am going to start, right here, right here in that place that doubts myself and my abilities, right here is the start, the beginning.  Hellow, Lolita!!  Obviously, this is my starting point, I mean shoot, gosh darn it, I am blogging!!  (Okaayhh)....... I haven't blogged since April 23rd!!  This is huge, major even.  I am determined to finish this year the way I started.  I know the race isn't given to the swiftest, nor to the strongest, but to the one who endures til the end.  I could pull the blankets over my head and have a pity party.  I could let my little "gazoo" sit on my shoulders and tell me I've blown it, tell me how hard it's going to be to lose 100 lbs, eat healthy and exercise, how hard it's going to be to write a book, how hard it's going to be to start a successful business, how hard it's going to be to pick back up blogging and win the power ball lottery!! (smile)( Really serious about that one), yada, yada, yada!!

"Gazoo"  You're Fired!!

"As I am one with god, I am one with my good, for God is both the Giver and the Gift.  I cannot separate the Giver from the Gift.  
God is my unfailing supply, and large sums of money come to me quickly, under grace, in perfect ways.
Every plan my Father in heaven has not planned, shall be dissolved and dissipated, and the Divine Idea now comes to pass.
Only that which is true of God is true of me, for I and the Father are ONE.
Divine Love now dissolves and dissipates every wrong condition in my mind, body and affairs. Divine Love is the most powerful chemical in the universe, and dissolves everything which is not of itself!
Divine Love floods my consciousness with health, and every cell in my body is filled with light.
My eyes are God's eyes, I see with the eyes of spirit.  I see clearly the open way; there are no obstacles on my pathway.  I see clearly the perfect plan.
I am divinely sensitive to my intuitive leads, and give instant obedience to Thy will.
My ears are god's ears, I hear with the ears of spirit.  I am nonresistant and am willing to be led.  I hear glad tidings of great joy.
I have a perfect work, In a perfect way, I give a perfect service for perfect pay.  I cast this burden on the Christ within, and I go free!   ~Florence Scovel Shinn~

Unlock Tomorrow Today!  ~Lolita Jackson~